You Are Exceptional. Fear Is Standing in Your Way. Here’s How to Conquer it.
To be exceptional, you’ve established your identity and are thriving at it.
Most people work in jobs they aren’t passionate about. I am most people.
But, I know I’m meant to do more. I don’t work towards it because I’m afraid of failing. Fear has taken over my ability to be myself. It’s taken away my ability to succeed. It’s taken away my ability to be exceptional.
The good news is that we can conquer fear. We can ignore the aggressive voice in our head telling us we aren’t good enough. We can listen to the other voice in our head. The voice that knows we’re meant for something more. The meek voice.
The meek voice tells us what we want to do. It tells us that we should write, or paint, or create. We shake our heads when we hear this voice. We tell ourselves it’s not possible.
But it is.
We are born with the ability to be exceptional.
We are all born with an established identity. The problem is we don’t know what it is. We have to find it.
We need to discover and grow this identity to be exceptional.
When trying to discover our identity, we unequivocally experience fear. It’s an all…