The Secrets of Employee Engagement — March 2018

Samin Saadat at HR Tech Group, Vancouver, BC, The Secrets of Employee Engagement

Luc Briedé-Cooper
Jalapeno Employee Engagement
2 min readApr 29, 2019


Employee Engagement is not Employee Satisfaction.

Studies have shown that people can be satisfied but not engaged at the same time.

Why we should care about Employee Engagement?:

  • The Conference Board of Canada reports that only 27% of employees in Canada are highly engaged.
  • Disengaged employees cost the American economy up to $500 billion per year due to lost productivity
  • Gallup has found that a disengaged employee costs an organization approximately $3,400 for every $10,000 in annual salary.
  • We spend over 30 years of our lives feeling unfulfilled
  • Disengagement at work results in lower psychological and physiological well being
  • Parents who work late, there is not much significant negative impact on the kids, but kids with the parents who are not engaged at work, their kids are more likely to have a negative impact.

Meanwhile, companies invest approximately $720 million annually in improving engagement.

Why we do not get an acceptable ROI for our investment?

In this session, we discussed when initial efforts fail to produce lasting improvement, we often push harder assuming that that hard work will overcome all obstacles. All the while blinding ourselves to how we are contributing to the obstacles ourselves. Habitual change won’t happen overnight…

Contact Jalapeño for a free assessment of the health of your company’s culture.

