Embracing Authenticity: A Journey of Empowerment and Inspiring Change in Africa

Jambo Technology
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2023

In a vibrant corner of Africa, in Botswana, the word “empowerment” holds profound meaning for Malaika. It signifies the drive to unlock one’s full potential, propelled by the support of others and the transformative experiences life presents. Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 lockdown, Malaika discovered a remarkable source of empowerment within her bedroom, where she amassed 10,000 followers on TikTok. The ability to connect with countless individuals during a time of isolation infused her with euphoria and inspired her to use her content as a force for empowering others.

Malaika’s personal and professional aspirations have been indelibly shaped by her community and upbringing. From a young age, she was encouraged to dream big, nourished with diverse outlets to explore her creativity. Whether it was ballet lessons or a plethora of afternoon activities ranging from music to gymnastics, her horizons expanded beyond the borders of Botswana. This broader worldview, stemming from her migration across Botswana, Tanzania, and Zambia, empowered her to pursue multiple passions simultaneously. It instilled in her the conviction that no dream should be sacrificed, defying attempts to confine her potential. The unwavering support of her community has been instrumental in fueling her drive to this day.

Through personal growth and resilience, Malaika has triumphed over obstacles within her African community, leaving an indelible impact on her journey. Posting her dance content on TikTok in 2019/2020 drew criticism from traditional dance circles, branding her as a “sellout.” Undeterred, she persisted, blending the so-called “TikTok dances” with what some considered “real” dancing. This experience instilled in her the willingness to be an outsider, to embrace new approaches, and to trust her instincts unconditionally. Today, Malaika carries this unwavering determination into every room she enters.

Unique challenges faced by Africa and Botswana are not lost on Malaika. She acknowledges a prevailing culture that often fosters limited thinking and discourages venturing into uncharted territories. Fear of failure and the allure of traditional paths hinder innovation. Nevertheless, armed with an LLB Degree from the University of Botswana, Malaika defied conventions by pursuing her passion as a Director of Photography. Her choice may not follow the conventional route, but her belief in a brighter future compels her forward.

A pivotal moment occurred during Malaika’s time at Legae Academy, where she was unexpectedly chosen by her peers to be SKY’s brand ambassador. Until that point, she had been performing in talent shows and moving within her own circle of friends, unaware of the inspiration she exuded. This revelation awakened her to the transformative power of simply being herself, igniting a profound commitment to effect change intentionally.

Fueling her everyday life is her passion for content creation. Every piece that comes together to breathe life into an idea fills Malaika with immense joy. Through her creative pursuits, she can evoke laughter, prompt deep reflection, or simply bring a smile to someone’s face. Moreover, the feedback she receives from those around her serves as an endless source of inspiration.

Malaika firmly believes that African youth hold a pivotal role in shaping the continent’s future. To unlock their potential, they must be granted access to vital decision-making spaces. Their contributions must be embraced, even in the face of setbacks, for it is through genuine mistakes and subsequent resilience that Africa can stride confidently toward progress.

Envisioning Africa’s future, Malaika foresees a continent reclaiming its position as a vital contributor to global growth. By educating individuals about their unique talents and how they intersect with the global market, Africa can harness its true power and compete alongside other nations. A brighter, more prosperous future awaits all of humanity.

Embracing technology, such as the Jambo platform, is key to improving the lives of people in Africa and unlocking the continent’s immense potential. Technology can bridge the gap, connecting Africa to global markets and leveling the playing field. It holds the power to transform not only the lives of leaders and company heads but also the unemployed graduates who have tirelessly sought opportunities. With easy access to an informed online market, limitless possibilities can flourish, and Africa’s greatness can be recognized worldwide.

Jambo’s mission to empower and inspire Africans resonates deeply with Malaika. She envisions a future where knowledge and safety in engaging with online markets are accessible to all. Malaika emphasizes the need to inform individuals about Jambo’s vision and the safe, efficient pathways it offers for pursuing dreams. Above all, she hopes that Jambo will celebrate and amplify the existing magic within her community, providing a platform for everyone to unleash their full potential.

Malaika’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of empowerment. From her personal triumphs to her unwavering commitment to her community, she exemplifies the spirit of resilience and determination. As she continues to inspire and empower others, Malaika stands as a shining example of Africa’s limitless potential and a driving force behind the vision of Jambo — an Africa that thrives, uplifts, and leaves an indelible mark on the world.



Jambo Technology

Jambo is building the web3 infrastructure of Africa