Empowerment in Pixels: How I’m Shaping the Future of Video Games

Jambo Technology
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2023

You know, empowerment is a word we toss around a lot. But when you strip it down to its essence, it’s simply about gaining power, isn’t it? That power could be a crisp dollar bill, a novel idea, or a spark of inspiration — anything that adds a jolt to your step and makes you feel a bit invincible. I had one of those invincible moments during the early stages of my Indie game, “Infraxis.” The waves of excitement and positive feedback I received acted like an adrenaline shot, confirming that my lofty dreams weren’t just pie in the sky, but genuine, achievable goals. Ever since, I’ve been on a mission to give players that same rush of empowerment through my video games.

Growing up, I was your typical internet-savvy kid. With nearly free rein over my web explorations, I developed an insatiable appetite for video games at a young age. What started as a fun pastime soon blossomed into a passionate pursuit, shaping my career path from middle school onward.

Flash forward to 2022, when I scored my first “real” gig in the game industry. It was like my world had shifted on its axis. Breaking into the industry felt like a seismic event, a stepping stone leading to a future chock-full of learning and growth. Even today, I carry the wisdom and resilience gained from that first job like a talisman, reminding me of how far I’ve come.

Since high school, my path has felt like a “choose your own adventure” book. I’ve been offered a slew of different routes, each intriguing in its own right. It’s taken some serious introspection to stay true to my original passion and desires. Initially, I was drawn to the technical wizardry of programming, but as my career evolves, my aspiration to be a game designer takes center stage.

I’ll never forget that “ah-ha” moment when I realized the AAA gaming industry was falling into a creativity rut. These industry big shots, with their enormous budgets, were producing some really lackluster stuff. This realization was a catalyst for me. I decided then and there to stir up the pot, to inspire creativity and innovation within my gaming community.

In contrast to the AAA gaming world, the Indie Game Industry has been a breath of fresh air. These smaller studios are pushing boundaries and creating innovative games that outshine many AAA products. I’m excited to be a part of this indie revolution.

Young people are like the programmers of tomorrow. They hold the power to code the future of our community, making it critical that we share our knowledge, experiences, and even our missteps with them. Our insights can provide valuable lessons that can guide them on their own paths, whether they want to design games or pursue a completely different field.

Looking to the future, I dream of a gaming industry that’s less of a steep cliff and more of an inviting mountain trail. Right now, making it in this industry can feel like a herculean task. By offering better support and resources, we can turn this challenging journey into a more manageable and exciting adventure.

Knowledge is like a cheat code for life. In our digital age, platforms like Jambo are a treasure trove of information, offering the tools and resources folks need to level up in their chosen field. Who knows, perhaps the next great game designer will kickstart their career on Jambo.

Being a part of Jambo’s mission to inspire and empower has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It has reminded me that everyone, even the quiet ones with a burning ambition, have a role to play in shaping the future. So, to all the silent trailblazers out there, know that your dreams are valid and within your grasp. After all, if a video game-loving kid like me can do it, so can you.



Jambo Technology

Jambo is building the web3 infrastructure of Africa