How JamboAcademy is Educating Africa’s Next Generation on Web3

Jambo Technology
Published in
5 min readFeb 16, 2022

By specializing in localized education, JamboAcademy offers both online and offline classes and tutorials to Africans.

In 2022, all eyes seem to be on the developing world of Web3. Web3 is basically a new iteration of the World Wide Web, however built from decentralized technology. It stands to offer greater access to financial services as well as the ability for anyone with internet access to trustlessly store or transfer value across a wide variety of platforms. Effectively, Web3 can “bank the unbanked,” and as such it’s looking like it will be an important part of many people’s lives, all over the globe, for the foreseeable future.

This is especially important in places like Africa, where 75% of the population is under 35 but finding jobs can be difficult. Enter Jambo, developing a Web3-focused “super app,” which is designed to not only entertain billions of people across the continent, but more importantly, educate them. This article is going to cover the variety of ways in which Jambo is taking a unique approach to Web3 education, bringing a new generation of Africans to the forefront of a financial revolution.

Building Local, Grassroots Networks

Jambo’s first priority is to construct an extensive network of ambassadors, one city at a time, and through them build stronger communities all over Africa. Through these communities, Jambo aims to establish a prominent presence in major population centers to help expand its reach out to smaller ones. We believe that in order to maximize the benefits for users, educators need to take a more hands-on approach. As such, all of JamboAcademy’s education initiatives will be supported by ambassadors who are able to cater to individual inquiries and unique learning needs.

We believe that this is in fact a crucial part in retaining users after first on-boarding them, and ensures that they are reaping the most reward from their Web3 education. So far, Jambo has onboarded 50+ ambassadors from 15 different countries across Africa. Additionally, hundreds and hundreds of people are currently joining the JamboAcademy every week, meaning more and more people are getting in on this new technology.

Developing Comprehensive Web3 Workshops Catered To Each Unique Community

Currently, a staggering 50% of university graduates in Africa cannot find actual jobs, due to a mismatch between the education being offered and what the market actually demands. This then prompts the question of whether current university education can truly equip Africa’s relatively young population with the skills needed for the modern economy. This is why, to better meet the needs of today’s African youth, JamboAcademy is planning to launch the first-ever suite of Web3 focused classes across college campuses all over the continent. We recognize that Africa is rich with diversity, so JamboAcademy has localized their core education courses and materials in order to onboard as many as possible to the opportunities of Web3.

JamboAcademy workshop in Malawi, Southeastern Africa

With our rapidly expanding presence as well as fundamental understanding of cultural nuances, JamboAcademy is well-poised to spearhead the development of a curriculum that is both geared towards the younger population and also tailored for local cultures. Education can be delivered utilizing both in-person and online classes, provided in a variety of local languages, whether it is English, French, Swahili or other preferred language. This not only ensures that all students/scholars can enjoy the flexibility offered by online classes, but that they can also receive hands-on support from in-person classes, in the language suitable for their learning.

JamboAcademy workshop in Kenya

With our boots-on-the-ground approach in securing partnerships with local universities, Jambo will have access to millions of students who are motivated to expand their breadth of knowledge and diversify their skill set as they prepare for graduation. This, in turn, will create more career and income-generation opportunities for them as they prepare to enter a world that is gradually moving toward an embrace of blockchain and Web3.

Jambo’s partnership with AllianceDAO

As we continue to develop the course curriculum, Jambo has secured a partnership with AllianceDAO in order to assist the company in educating and impacting the lives of billions across Africa. AllianceDAO, as the most reputable Web3 education-driven accelerator in the space, will provide strategic counsel to Jambo’s educational development. The resulting tailor-made curriculum will be supported by AllianceDAO’s world-class network of entrepreneurs. In addition, AllianceDAO can offer a wealth of content, covering advanced topics such as blockchain, play-to-earn, and other Web3 information.

For example, as students are onboarded, they’re introduced to a variety of financialized games that act as the first touchpoint to the Web3 ecosystem. JamboAcademy can take this content and translate and localize the information for different African countries and communities. This will make the education easily accessible to people who wouldn’t otherwise have an easy chance to learn about such topics. Our ultimate goal is to empower the generally young and largely digital native crowd with access to secure, international, and trustless financial infrastructure that they can build on.

Jambo’s ambassadors are helping to translate and localize all of their curriculum and spread their vision across all of Africa. Our training and education programs are designed to onboard a diverse set of users and players in the coming months and years. JamboAcademy’s original content, presented in a mixture of workshops and tutorials in both online and in-person formats, can be tailored for any user demographic. We see this education as an essential step to bring together local communities as well as empower all future generations of Jambo users.

About Jambo

Jambo is building the Web3 super app that will educate, bank and entertain the continent. Jambo aims to pioneer the largest, most influential Web3 user acquisition portal across the continent through “learn, play, earn.” Jambo serves as the bridge between Africa and applications from around the world seeking to tap into the African market. The opportunity here is immense. We have a long-term vision of realizing financial prosperity for Africans.

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Jambo Technology

Jambo is building the web3 infrastructure of Africa