Igniting Africa’s Brilliance: A Personal Odyssey of Empowerment

Jambo Technology
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2023

“Empowerment” resonates deeply in my African soul, symbolizing shared strength, unlocked potential, and seized opportunities. It’s not about seeking external validation, but believing in the innate capacity of every African to radiate brilliance, given the right breeze to fan that flame.

My journey into this realm began at 17, fresh from high school. I pitched myself to a local non-profit, SKY Girls Botswana, not as a job-seeker, but as an opportunity-giver — an in-house creator. This wasn’t just a win; it was an affirmation of my worth, a ripple of empowerment extending to friends and family, inviting them to partake in our creative endeavors. It was about bringing stories to life for the younger generation, a testament to the African spirit — when one rises, we all rise.

My African roots didn’t dictate my aspirations, but the world’s underestimation of African talent ignited a desire in me to defy those misconceptions. Supported by open-minded parents, I plunged into the creative industry. High school saw me dancing across international stages, while post-school life had me freelancing, offering brand identity services, and partnering with companies on design projects. These weren’t just jobs, but stepping stones toward my ultimate goal — a boutique agency.

The tale that shaped me pivots around self-belief, a lighthouse guiding my dreams, abilities, and destined success. It affirms that each setback is a stepping stone to triumph, and closed doors only lead to one’s opened specially for you. As a young African girl, I knew that every hurdle was just another peak to conquer.

In Africa, we bask in communal warmth, yet success isn’t spoon-fed. It’s a testament to our age-old hard working spirit. Some may see this as a yoke of oppression, but I view it as a tool to sculpt my path, transforming adversity into diamonds. Now at 21, my journey is far from over. It’s a marathon, not punctuated by accolades or profits, but by the relentless pursuit of growth.

Unique to Africa are the intertwined challenges of affordability and access. Tools and services priced in stronger currencies make them less accessible, affecting a majority who lack even basic amenities like WiFi. For creative and innovative minds, this lack of access stunts the realization of their visions.

My urge to influence Africa stemmed from venturing beyond its borders, gathering wisdom to nurture its roots. Starting with empowering youths at an NPO, I instilled in them the courage to not only dream but also manifest those dreams. From there, I moved to enlightening small business owners on the power of social media and creative branding. It birthed my venture, Hatherleigh Co., a platform that builds and humanizes brands.

Africa’s shift towards self-reliance is promising. Our governments invest in innovation centres, enhancing our tech and creativity. We’ve seen a rise in literacy rates and a surge in local production, gearing up for exporting goods. The world has started noticing our creative prowess, our diamond production, and our enchanting landscapes. But the world’s newfound fascination is not a discovery; Africa has always been rich and talent-filled. We are just becoming louder, demanding the attention we deserve.

I believe the African youth hold the keys to altering Africa’s perception and boosting its economic standing. Traditions and cultural influences may have restrained our creativity, but today’s young minds, curious and hungry, are ready to break free. However, they face hurdles, often dismissed due to their age. We need to dispel this belief and inject youth perspective into established systems like government and education.

I envision Africa soaring, breaking free from the shadows of the western world. I dream of an Africa of confident innovators, unshackling the chains of self-doubt. We, the people of this great continent, are its beating heart, and our progress propels its growth. I call for more global forums to unveil Africa’s hidden wonders, challenging the stereotype of us being merely a dot on the map. I urge international investors to engage with us, mentor our future leaders, and recognize the promise we hold.

Platforms like Jambo can be the catalyst for Africa’s prosperity. It opens avenues for wealth generation through digital currencies, providing an additional income stream. It encourages people to diversify their investments, enhancing financial security. It ensures seamless international money transfers, especially aiding students studying abroad, helping avoid bank charges.

Jambo’s true triumph in Africa lies in providing access, a scarcity in our part of the world. My introduction to the Crypto world was a fragmented self-learning process via YouTube. Jambo, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive learning journey from beginner level to actual investing. It cultivates a supportive online community, assuaging the fear of online investments for a traditionally cautious populace. Moreover, Jambo’s feature project is a shining beacon, spotlighting African talent. It gives us the platform to share our stories, attract potential investors, and above all, inspire. It’s a significant step towards empowering Mosetsana o tsogang, the girl who wakes up with a pure, happy heart and a vision in her eyes. Thank you, Jambo!



Jambo Technology

Jambo is building the web3 infrastructure of Africa