Unleashing the African Lioness: A Heartfelt Journey of Empowerment and Transformation with Dr. Annita Neshiri

Jambo Technology
Published in
6 min readJul 3, 2023

As an African woman, the word ‘empowerment’ invokes a profound meaning within me: it signifies the potential to uplift others, to nurture their confidence, their strength, and to help them take control of their lives and assert their rights. The journey to the woman I am today, standing tall and proud, is a testament to the power of empowerment. The journey was paved with invaluable experiences and insights from those I crossed paths with, validating my belief in the transformative potential of education and continuous learning.

Among my experiences, the Village Boardroom Experience stands out. As one of the foremost platforms empowering young African entrepreneurs, the challenge was monumental. But it offered countless lessons — in business, emotional management, and the fundamental ethics of entrepreneurship. Empowerment, I learnt, lies in challenging your limitations, in continuously learning and unlearning, in consistently pushing your boundaries.

Growing up in a humble African setting under the guidance of a fiercely independent single mother, my life has been shaped by resilience. My mother’s determination and resourcefulness, despite her limited means, inspired me to dream big, to strive for a future that surpassed my present. Fueled by this burning ambition, I sought to change my life’s narrative and break the cycle of generational curses. The journey wasn’t easy, but the dream was worth the effort.

With each opportunity that came my way, I sought to make the most of it. This resolve, coupled with my ambition, has guided my professional aspirations. A significant part of my vision lies in fighting poverty and creating generational wealth. I aspire to provide for my children — a life that is tenfold the one I dreamed of as a child.

The inception of Girl Talk Zimbabwe, an award-winning social entrepreneurial initiative, is an ode to my passion for uplifting others. Building it was an uphill journey, marked by failures, lessons, and the perseverance to keep moving forward. Each setback only made me more resilient, reinforcing my resolve to create a global brand. Despite the struggles — the lack of support, the disappointments, and the various other obstacles, I never let go of my dreams. Because when you believe in your purpose, the sky isn’t the limit; it’s merely the beginning.

Our beloved continent, Africa, is not without its challenges. From poverty, unemployment, and corruption to hunger and diseases, the problems are manifold. One of the most pressing issues is youth unemployment, a menace that has far-reaching social implications, such as substance abuse, crime, and an increase in HIV/AIDS cases. I firmly believe that entrepreneurship holds the key to mitigating this crisis. As an entrepreneur, my mission is to inspire young minds to break the mold, to innovate and create their own opportunities. Entrepreneurship, albeit challenging, is a viable solution that can significantly reduce unemployment.

One particular incident sparked a major initiative in my life. As an advocate for young women, I had the opportunity to interact closely with many girls during my empowerment programs. I was disheartened to discover the low self-esteem amongst them, largely due to lack of proper sanitary wear. This issue often forced them to miss school, significantly impacting their academics. Driven to make a difference, I initiated the Biggest Pads Drive ZW, a project aimed at reducing period poverty in Zimbabwe. Every year, we donate a large number of sanitary pads to underprivileged girls in remote areas. The aim? To restore their dignity and prevent them from missing school.

Recent years have seen encouraging advancements in Africa, particularly in areas like education, apps, online services, and internet access. Our continent is the second-fastest-growing market for mobile phones after Asia, offering a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs. The digital economy is indeed thriving, with an increasing number of apps and online services transforming the way we live and do business. This digital revolution opens doors for solving problems, creating value, and reaping the rewards. Furthermore, internet access is a promising development opportunity that tech giants like Google and Facebook are actively pursuing, recognizing its immense potential worth billions of dollars. African entrepreneurs are making impressive strides to conquer this market, paving the way for a more connected and digitally empowered continent.

Education, the cornerstone of human development, holds immense promise for Africa’s future. Our continent boasts a wealth of creative and innovative talent, yet access to quality education remains a significant challenge. Tackling this issue head-on is crucial for unlocking Africa’s human capital and nurturing a generation of skilled professionals who can lead Africa towards a brighter, more prosperous future.

In shaping the destiny of Africa, our youth play a pivotal role. Every day, young Africans contribute to the betterment of their communities and nations, lending support to the elderly, advocating for justice and equality. To harness their potential fully, we must provide them with the necessary support, such as coaching, mentorship, and collaboration opportunities. By empowering our youth, we empower the future of our continent.

Envisioning Africa's future requires concerted efforts to build a united and inclusive continent. Diversity and gender balance should be driving forces in our quest for progress. Collaborations with other continents and countries, forging strong business relationships, will unlock new opportunities and create a more prosperous future for all Africans.

Technology, like the innovative Jambo platform, holds tremendous potential to improve the lives of people in Africa and unleash the continent’s untapped potential. Jambo offers a remarkable opportunity for African-based companies and organizations to connect with counterparts across different continents. Its ability to propel entrepreneurs beyond their limits on a global scale is empowering. By providing access to a network of opportunities and enabling skill acceleration in various industries, Jambo helps entrepreneurs realize their dreams and contribute to Africa’s growth story.

In my recent discovery of this remarkable platform, I anticipate fruitful collaborations emerging as we connect with like-minded individuals across the globe. Jambo’s mission to empower and inspire Africans resonates deeply with my own journey. The future development of Jambo initiatives holds tremendous promise, with potential for expanded partnerships, enhanced support systems, and even greater impact. Together, we can reshape the narrative of African entrepreneurship, fueling a wave of innovation, empowerment, and transformation.

As we navigate the path ahead, let us remember that Africa’s destiny lies within our grasp. By embracing our unique challenges as catalysts for change, harnessing the power of education, technology, and collaboration, we can build a future that shines brightly for all Africans. Let us continue to empower, inspire, and uplift one another, for it is in unity and collective determination that we unlock Africa’s boundless potential.



Jambo Technology

Jambo is building the web3 infrastructure of Africa