Ambulatory releases numbers and causes of JamCam Medical Care

Escoteiros do Brasil
JamCam 2020 | English
2 min readJan 10, 2020

Written by Jorge Eduardo Dantas and Ivan Brugalli

What were the most common medical occurrences of JamCam? Our report was at the outpatient clinic inside the Foz do Iguaçu Convention Center to learn about the work performed by doctors and nurses during the largest scout event ever held in Brazil.

According to one of the doctors responsible for the outpatient clinic, Dr. Emilio Hideoyuki Moriguchi, about 8,000 visits were recorded over the six days of JamCam — considering outpatient visits, returns (to take medication and redo dressings, for example), visits in the subfields and Listening Ear, a space where psychologists assisted people seeking emotional guidance.

Photo: Rafael Marconatto

Hideoyuki said that the most common reason that drove people to the outpatient clinic was heat stroke and dehydration, caused by the harsh sun that fell on the camp; and various traumas, such as grated knees, falls, and head bangs. The traumas were caused by some scout activities that involved things like running, jumping, loading and pushing objects, for example.

These occurrences were higher at the beginning of the week and were decreasing over the days. The doctor said that many visitors from other countries, unaccustomed to the heat, felt the effects of the hot weather in Foz do Iguaçu.

The official outpatient numbers raise other issues: Until Thursday 9/1, 404 cases of gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, vomiting and nausea were made. Muscle pain totaled 357 calls and the headache registered 182 calls. Sore throat was responsible for 176 of the assistances that were given at the outpatient clinic. Other problems recorded in the medical records were insect bites, diaper rash, allergies, dizziness, weakness and breathing problems.

Photo: Rafael Marconatto

Emílio Hideoyuki said that the structure available at the outpatient clinic qualifies that space to be called a “camp hospital” and that there was a prior concern about the number of people in JamCam. “For a structure responsible for serving a population of thousands of people, I think we have a good structure and we can handle the demand,” he said.

During the event, the clinic had 13 doctors, 30 nurses and 40 first responders. There were 25 beds available to all participants, as well as 3 ambulances and 1 ICU ambulance. The structure will be terminated after the end of JamCam, when the subfields are completely emptied.

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This event is sponsored by Sicoob, Sicoob Institute, Copel, Carrefour and Toyota.



Escoteiros do Brasil
JamCam 2020 | English

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