In the sky: Look at the experience of the senior flying the JamCam by helicopter

Escoteiros do Brasil
JamCam 2020 | English
3 min readJan 10, 2020

Written by Gabriel Rodrigues

Have you thought about seeing JamCam from above? The senior André Luiz de Araújo Santos, from the José de Anchieta Scout Group, 11th from the Federal District, had this opportunity here in Foz do Iguaçu. In an unprecedented partnership with Helisul Aviação, JamCam made a big dream come true for the scout, who from an early age learned to cope with mobility difficulties due to genetic and neurological complications. The problems were not impediments for Cauã, his schoolmate and scout, to invite him to participate in the activities of the Group and make André fall in love with the movement.

The process of inclusion and accessibility, whether inside or outside the Scout Movement, does not have a ready recipe. Mutual support and interest among Scouts, youth and family members is needed to find joint solutions to help André participate in the activities. And in JamCam it’s no different: since when the young man himself learned about the camp, he began to mobilize everyone around him to make it possible for him to participate.

Photo: Carsten Horst

According to Nara Santos, André’s mother, the question was very big about leaving him or not attending the event. “It is a very large space with many young people and I wondered if he would get attention, if it would not disturb, if other young people would welcome him during the activity,” said Nara. The organization of JamCam, since the first contact made by the family, has already begun to work so that everything could happen in the best way possible for the young person. From the location of the camp where the group of scouts was camped, the availability of adapted restrooms, the installation of access ramps to the campsite and exclusive spaces for the ceremonies were some of the steps taken to ensure André’s participation in the event.

Photo: Carsten Horst

In addition to the opportunity to participate in a major international scout event, André had a surprise from JamCam’s communications team. In partnership with Helisul, a panoramic flight company in Foz do Iguaçu, André was invited to fly with the photographer who made the aerial images of the field. The adventure was great, but accompanied by Tuko, Guany and Amber, André can see JamCam from above and live a great challenge. For André, the whole camp has been exciting and a great experience with patrol’s friends and partners. “I thought it was just camping and bonfire in the bush, but it’s another level. I never imagined that one day I would ride a helicopter, it was a surprise. Seeing from above I didn’t think the camp was so big,” said the senior.

Check out the video below how this adventure went and see the aerial photos of the largest scout camp ever held in Brazil.

Photo: Carsten Horst
Photo: Carsten Horst

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This event is sponsored by Sicoob, Sicoob Institute, Copel, Carrefour and Toyota.



Escoteiros do Brasil
JamCam 2020 | English

Aventura, espírito de equipe, vida ao ar livre, cidadania, amizades e muito mais! Escoteiros do Brasil, construindo um mundo melhor.