Safety: Get to know behind the scenes of those who care about us

Escoteiros do Brasil
JamCam 2020 | English
2 min readJan 10, 2020

Written by Kaique Gonçalves e Jéssica Constantino

“This way please!”, “Only with scarf!”, “Need help?”. We hear these and other phrases during JamCam from people dressed in vests, but what do they do anyway?

There is no way to make big events and not think about the safety of young people and adults. For this reason, the security team is made up of these vested people, and for the 16th Jamboree Inter-American Scout and 3rd Camporee Inter-American Scout, we have 153 volunteers, divided into 18 jobs, always alert 24 hours a day, which combined result in over 8,000 hours of volunteer work.

Photo: Kaique Gonçalves

At JamCam, we also have the help of the Federal Road Police, who are controlling the traffic of cars on the lanes and highways, helping when we need to relocate young people to other areas of our camp.

To reinforce the idea of ​​safety, every time one of the team shifts begins, the coordinator stresses the importance of protecting children and youth, passing along with the volunteer adults some tips and situations in which to pay attention. Working closely with risk management, the event security team strives to ensure that everyone has a great JamCam experience!

To the team’s coordinator, Arlindo Carvalho, from the São Francisco de Assis SP Scout Group, “it is undoubtedly a great challenge to coordinate all these people and make everyone enjoy and have a great time the camp. It is not easy, but we are doing a good job. Sometimes we stay up late at night and schedule meetings, it’s tiring, but it’s worth it, we need to be safe”, he says.

Reinforcing the preparation of adult volunteers to ensure the well-being of young people, everyone had to take the Safe From Harm course, with instructions for various possible situations and guidance under Brazil’s Boy Scout Protection Policy.

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This event is sponsored by Sicoob, Sicoob Institute, Copel, Carrefour and Toyota.



Escoteiros do Brasil
JamCam 2020 | English

Aventura, espírito de equipe, vida ao ar livre, cidadania, amizades e muito mais! Escoteiros do Brasil, construindo um mundo melhor.