Anti-LGBTQ Shirt Must be Barred From School

Plus Minot politician’s awesome on-topic smackdown

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Image courtesy of GLSEN safe space kit

What does an anti-LGBTQ teeshirt banned from a high school have to do with an epic speech from a lesbian city council member in Minot, North Dakota? A lot more than you might think! Both stories are in the news right now, much more closely connected than people are reporting. The issues boil down to just one idea. Tolerating intolerance is not acceptable. Here’s what’s going on:

A 15 year-old-girl walks into her public high school in Tennessee wearing a long black tee shirt emblazoned with the words “HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN.” She and her Christian-pastor father Rich Penkowski say she decided to dress that way because a teacher in the school has displayed a rainbow sticker in his classroom reading, “Diverse, Inclusive, Accepting, Welcoming Safe Space For Everyone.”

“They’ve got kids walking around with the pride symbol on their sneakers and pride clothing and nobody bats an eye,” Penkowski told The Christian Post after tweeting to complain his daughter had been sent home to change clothes.



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.