Baby Denied Health Care Because Moms are Lesbians

Trump enables this “Religious Liberty”

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Babies denied medical care because their parents are LGBTQ? Yes, it’s true. Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels

Imagine walking into your doctor’s office, wife at your side, newborn infant in your arms, ready for your first well-baby exam. Now imagine that your pediatrician refuses to treat your baby, citing religious objections.

LGBTQ people are mostly accepted and enjoy equal rights in the US.

Do you agree with that statement? If you do, I’m not surprised. According to a recent Gallup poll, a large and growing majority of Americans agree that lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender people should be treated equally under the law.

Even 44% of Republicans agree —

Most Americans seem to assume since same-sex marriage is legal everywhere in the US, that equality is all set for members of gender and sexual minorities. Most Americans hold a nebulous notion that “discrimination” is against the law and that LGBTQ people are secure in their rights to employment, housing, and public accomodation.

Sadly, equality is not the reality, not even for new babies—

Jami and Krista Contrearas, a married couple in Oak Park, Michigan, found out the hard way, according to…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.