Donald Trump Agrees He’s Most Pro-Gay President Ever

Why that silly lie matters more than you think

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Dinosaur in a shirt and tie. Royalty-free image via pxfuel

I’ll never forget visiting a museum with my evangelical Christian school when I was 11. I wonder why our teacher arranged that outing. She must have known a big thing would probably happen. I ask myself now if maybe she planned the trip as a minor act of rebellion.

All of us loved Miss Josephs, because she was one of those teachers who really adore kids. While she enforced discipline, she loved her job — and us — so much that we couldn’t help loving her back.

At the museum, we tugged on her hands, pulling her in different directions. “Miss Josephs, look at this! Teacher, look at how cool! Aren’t these butterflies beautiful?”

She oohed and aahed, seeming to have as good a time as we were. Once in a while, in a very quiet voice, she’d add a little about an exhibit out of her personal knowledge.

The big thing that happened was waiting up ahead with the dinosaur dioramas. Ms. Joseph challenged my thinking and center so much that I’ve never forgotten the details.

I didn’t mean to argue with the museum docent. She was an earnest looking young woman who didn’t seem too bored explaining fossils to young children. But when she said, “This T Rex lived more than…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.