Fired up over Tuesday’s Supreme Court Case!

Fighting to fire LGBTQ people is a moral outrage

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


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The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday in a set of cases testing whether federal civil rights law bars businesses from firing people for being LGBTQ. Specifically, the question is whether employers are free to fire employees because they are gay or transgender.

Mainstream and queer press outlets are full of stories detailing the legal dimensions of the cases and analyzing what the court is likely to decide next summer. Very few commentators are cutting deeply to explore the profound social and moral implications.

After a brief summary, I’m going to cut to that chase, then write about where we go from here — whatever the justices decide.

What the Court will decide

Three people’s jobs are at stake in three separate legal cases. Here’s a brief summary:

  • In Altitude Express v. Zarda, a recreational skydiving company fired an instructor after a customer complained that the instructor…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.