How Can a Trans Gay Teen Talk Turkey with His Boyfriend?

Taking intimacy to the next level

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Image by janeb13 from Pixabay

Dear Aunty Jimothy,

How does a couple take things to the ‘next level?’

My boyfriend and I are living together in a rented house our last year of high school. His parents want him to get independent living experience. My parents are very supportive and happy we’re together. His are in denial about him being gay. I’m a trans guy, but they think I’m a very butch lesbian.

So, I have this problem. We’ve been a romantic couple for three years, but we’re sexually repressed as hell. We’ve hardly done anything. We had the ‘excuse’ of no privacy before, but now ... I’m frustrated. What if he really just doesn’t want to?

I can’t ask anyone I know for advice. What can I do?

Confused in Kalamazoo

Dear Confused,

First, congratulations! You’ve been together all this time, and now you get to live together. How exciting! I think your parents are very wise to want you guys to learn some life skills.

And relationship experience! When this old Aunty was still young and pretty (back when velociraptors ruled the skies) LGBTQ teens kept their heads down and their identities secret.



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.