Ian and Dima Bare it All

Das Blub: Moon over Berlin, B1C15

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


This is actually a spa in Poland. But let’s pretend, shall we?

Juliette arched her back, tensing her muscles from her tight shoulders all the way down to her quads and her calves, luxuriating in the hot caress of the sun streaming through a overhead glass dome. She let out a sigh, relaxing each muscle group from head to bare toes, going limp as a sleeping cat in her chaise.

What a great way to spend the afternoon, she thought. The guys were off somewhere getting rid of excess energy while she and Claudia sun bathed. She hadn’t been impressed when they trooped off the bus into frigid April winds. First thing she’d spotted was a giant water slide. Not her idea of a spa day.

Checking coats and scarves at the Kasse, a huge swimming pool of screaming children dominated the scene. She growled to herself and elbowed Claudia. “Really?”

Late 1980s-era West Berlin city bus on a special route to ‘Das Blub Badeparadies’ in Neukölln

“Don’t worry,” Mark’s upstairs neighbor said. She pointed at the slide, which Mark was already drifting toward. “Let the boys wear themselves out. You’ll see.”

Once they passed through the family area and threaded their way into the central spa, Juliette got it. Jasmine-scented air, palm trees, and warm sun seduced…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.