Ian and Sex Under Mykonos Stars

Poodles and pouting — Moon over Berlin, B3C9

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Image licensed from Adobe Stock

Juliette cut through the swells, rotating from her hips to shoot forward, a sword of blue steel whisking out of its sheath. She dug in hard, muscles burning, breaths sharp and energizing. She shot up onto a smooth rock and perched, scanning the bay.

There! Two heads bobbed along like softballs, a good fifty yards away. By the time Ian and Dima panted their way up and collapsed, her own breathing was calm and steady. The hundred-some yards they’d raced meant nothing.

“Look at you two all out of breath,” she teased. “Big strong men beat by a girl!”

Ian’s eyes widened as he sat up straight. “Get her!” he laughed.

Then she was struggling with slippery skin and too many arms pushing and pulling. Just as she managed to pry one sun-browning elbow from around her neck, three hands were pushing on her back.

Laughter cut off abruptly as she plunged into bubbly waves and cold filled her ears with underwater echoes. She kept her eyes open against a salt sting and scanned, quickly spotting a foot dangling barely out of reach. One dolphin kick and two sharp tugs later, the water exploded with the sonic boom of a body crashing through the surface.



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.