Is It Ok for a Gay Teen to Like Older Men?

This teen boy wants some straight answers

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Image by Orna Wachman from Pixabay

Dear Aunty Jimothy,

I’m a 13-year-old guy who thinks guys between like 16 and 35 are totally hot. I get lots of dirty thoughts about them, which I know is wrong, but I want to have sex so bad I can’t stand it. Sometimes I talk to older guys on the Internet, and they ask me for nudes. I know that’s bad, but I like it.

Desperate in Des Moines

Dear Desperate,

Oh, my goodness, child, you’ve got old Aunty Jimothy jumping up and down. You wrote so much in one tiny little question! Sweetie, we need to have a serious talk. I’m going to ditch some of my usual jokes and joshing, because you asked some important stuff, and I want to get right to it.

First, did you know that it’s normal and healthy for guys your age to be attracted to older people? Absolutely! Swap genders, buddy. Don’t boys at your school go crazy over hot women movie stars and singers? Of course they do! And nobody thinks that’s weird, right? It’s not weird, or dirty, or wrong for you to think older guys are sexy.

But acting on those thoughts? That’s a BIG problem.

Wanna know a secret? Us adults know that young teenagers have strong sexual thoughts. We know it’s common…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.