Jesuit School Defies Catholic Bishop

Catholic school officials refuse to fire gay teacher

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Jesuit priest, Photo by from Pexels

Showing children that LGBTQ people are not fit to be teachers has consequences. Demonizing gay people harms LGBTQ kids, teaches other kids to be intolerant, and encourages bullying. The Catholic hierarchy in Indiana has ordered a Catholic school to fire a gay teacher. But school officials, Jesuit priests, and lay Catholics are taking a moral stand by refusing to comply. Could this be the beginning of a moral revitalization in the US Catholic Church?

If you’re a transgender person, a lesbian, or a gay man, you know to look over your shoulder in certain places. You know to keep your mouth shut sometimes. You learned early, and probably harshly, to hide essential truths about who you are.

Anti-LGBTQ violence rates are high, and they’re rising dramatically in much of the developed world. Many blame a rise in right-wing populism. Whatever the ultimate cause, conservative religious forces are leading waves of moralizing protest and othering.

Roman Catholic bishops are cheerleaders for hate

In the United States, the Roman Catholic hierarchy of bishops and cardinals loudly demonize LGBTQ people and frequently push against our full equality. Their actions and edicts are…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.