Milo Yiannopoulos, Straight Pride, and Nazis

Where Detroit LGBT Pride and Boston ‘Straight Pride’ intersect

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Melania Geymonat, right, and her partner Chris, bloodied and beaten on a London bus. Photo from Geymonat’s Facebook page, used with permission.

Know what the saddest sight in the world is?

Watching LGBTQ people on the subway after Pride, hurrying to remove their beads and rainbow baubles so they can make it home safe after the parade.

Manhattan, London, Southampton, Detroit. It doesn’t matter where. Men who are obviously gay, women who are lesbian or transgender — all obvious members of gender or sexual minorities are vulnerable to abuse and assault.

This is June. Pride Month.

LGBTQ people are remembering the Greenwich Village Stonewall Riots, honoring the symbolic beginnings of equality. The Riots happened because people wouldn’t leave us in peace. Gay men, lesbians, and transgender people were dancing in a private bar, behind closed doors, minding their own business, when New York City police burst in to take them to jail.

We’d had enough. “Just leave us alone,” we said. “We’re not hurting anybody. Stop bullying us.”

Remembering that night is now a June tradition as Pride events unroll in major cities worldwide. But we’re still not safe. People still refuse to let us live in peace. We still have to take our…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.