Non-Binary and Stressed by Trans Support Groups

How can her voice be heard above the howl?

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Image credit: Zackary Drucker in The Gender Spectrum Collection

Dear Aunty Jimothy,

I identify as a non-binary transgender woman, mostly presenting and passing as female. I have a problem. Non-binary people are polarizing in my local trans support group, my state trans-advocacy group, and my personal circle of queer friends. I don’t go to some Facebook pages or attend support meetings anymore.

I’m a big girl and can deal with hurt feelings, but I’m concerned about younger and emotionally vulnerable people in my community. When negative discussions happen, I feel as though my voice gets lost in the howl. How can I help with this situation?

Stressed in St. Charles

Dear Stressed,

Child, you’ve got an angry old aunty hyperventilating with empathy! Wherever did I put my silk fan and smelling salts? And your timing? You surely sent me this question at the right moment!

I’ve been dealing with gender-diversity haters all week. It’s depressing sometimes, isn’t it?

When I’m not busy as an advice-slinging queer aunty, I actually help moderate a very large LGBT support group on Facebook. The Huffington Post has called it the “nicest” place on the Internet for queer folks. Yet even with our…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.