The Struggle for ‘Gay Rights’ Is NOT Over

Neocon gay intellectual can’t imagine real LGBTQ equality

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


A uniformed police officer at the San Francisco Pride parade, from Wikimedia Commons

What does LGBTQ equality mean to you?

Do you dream of working for corporate America, living in an urban center, knowing that if you and your partner act like a traditional straight couple you’ll earn respect and affirmation?

Or do you dare dream bigger dreams?

Do you believe that that one day gender and sexual minorities won’t have to fight for respect? Do you believe that people will stop condemning and disparaging their fellow human beings just because they’re different?

I believe. I fight for that day!

I know our struggle isn’t even close to being over. I’m saddened that a respectable publication like The Atlantic just provided a platform to a man who doesn’t share our dream, who doesn’t know what our objectives are, but who is willing to declare the fight finished.

A Gay Neocon Calls ‘Gay Rights’ a Done Deal

James Kirchick, writing last Friday in The Atlantic, asserts that the struggle for “gay rights” is over. He claims that activist “grandees” are hesitant to “exult in their victories.” He implies that advocates have a stake in seeing the…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.