The Condom Broke Inside Me

Aunty Jimothy, I’m terrified of HIV! What do I do?

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Image by Owen Engesser from Pixabay

Dear Aunty Jimothy,

We were having sex last night and when he pulled out, the condom was ripped to shreds. He came inside my butt! A lot. I’m ashamed to tell you, but I don’t even know him! I’m a gay guy and I’m so afraid I’m going to get HIV. What do I do now?

Terrified in Tulsa

Dear Terrified,

Child! I know you’re scared, but first things first, take some deep breaths and relax.


Aunty Jimothy knows this subject inside and out. (ahem) Everything is going to be OK. That’s the first thing you need to understand.

You have nothing to be terrified of, but you need to do some things — right now, no waiting.

Blow your nose, will you? Here, I’ve got this ridiculous lavender polka-dot silk hankie that I was getting rid of anyway. It clashed with my pink feather boa. No, no, dear. Keep it. Really.

OK, what now? Let’s start with some basic information, but, please don’t be terrified of sex. That’s not healthy for you. First, the bad news. If your partner was HIV positive, then the kind of sex you had is the riskiest kind for HIV…



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.