The Transgender Industrial Complex: Racist, Anti Semitic Nonsense

A deep dive into dark corners of hate

James Finn
James Finn - The Blog


Publicity photo from Antelope Hill Publishing

I just took a journey that has left me cold and frightened

I’ve never known much about white supremacists, anti-semitic conspiracists, or “Christian” nationalists. I’ve had no personal contact with the Proud Boys, neo-nazis, militias or similar movements, even though such ideologies are supposedly prevalent in rural Michigan where I live.

I know lots of transgender people, though.

I know many of them live with pain and fear caused not by their gender presentation but by the hostility and hatred of strangers. I have a trans friend in liberal Ann Arbor who looks over his shoulder when he walks his dog. His fears are well founded; trans people in the US are harassed, attacked, and murdered at frightening rates.

I have read that emerging white supremacist organizations praise a certain “European chauvinism” that targets people of color and people of different cultures and religions like Muslims and Jews. I know these groups also promote sexist and misogynistic ideas, but until last week, I didn’t know how far they go to incite hatred against transgender people.



James Finn
James Finn - The Blog

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.