Better OSX Terminal Font

James Hill
James Hill
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2016

When working on different client OSX machines, they always seem to have different fonts displayed in the OSX Terminal App. I’ve no idea why a clean build displays differently on different machines/monitors, but it drives me nuts!

So for my benefit and possibly someone else out there, I’ve added the steps here for getting a crisp display, using the font I use on my own machines.

  1. Download Bitstream Vera Mono 1.10 and extract the archive.
  2. Double click VeraMono.ttf to open the font in FontBook.
  3. Click the ‘Install Font’ button on the displayed Font Book popup.
  4. In Terminal hold down ?, to open Preferences.
  5. Click the ‘Change’ button next to font, and select the Bitstream font you just installed, with a font size of 12. 6. Close window.
  6. Make sure ‘Antialias text’ is selected under Text.
  7. Restart Terminal, et voila!

