My Current Side Project

About a month ago I started working on Lognotes. A journaling app for the web.

James Johnson
Design Notes
2 min readSep 14, 2018


The Log In Screen

After noticing there weren’t any open source journal or note taking apps that met my needs, I decided to make one. Services like Google’s Keep or Penzu work great but I wanted a pure web app, one that I could ideally use from my phone without installing a native app. Most importantly I didn’t want to pay for a SaaS or deal with corporate control of my data. The whole point of a journal (At least to me.) is for it to be private. This was back in August.

30 days later I have a working prototype.

Journal Entries

It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s a start and it works. You can log in, create journal entries, change your user settings and that’s about it. For now.

The Entry Editor
User Settings

In the near future, I plan on rewriting the back-end, turning it into a progressive web app and adding basics like markdown editing & search.

The app is written in PHP and SQLite. To install it all you need is an Apache server. Just upload it to your site and it works. No messing around with database setup. Best of all, the app is open source. It’s licensed under the GPL and you can get it on GitHub:

I’d love for the community to get involved. So if you are interested, clone it and open a pull request.

