Because I said so

James Melcer
The Blog of James Melcer
1 min readApr 24, 2017

When you were 5 years old your parents probably told you to do things that you didn’t want to do. Maybe it was eating your vegetables or doing your chores. When you asked them why you were being forced to do these things your parents probably responded with, “because I said so.” They knew what was best for you and it didn’t really matter how you felt about it. Your job wasn’t to understand the nutritional benefits of broccoli — it was to open your mouth and chew.

Now that we’re adults we still have to do things that we don’t want to, but sometimes that annoying little 5 year old inside of us still asks why and tries to avoid them even though deep down inside we know they are best for us. When this happens the easiest thing to do is to tell yourself, “because I said so” and get on with the task. Stop thinking and start doing because trying to explain things to a 5 year old and convince them that you know what’s best is a really big waste of time.

