Cheatsheet; Free up Linux disk space

Image by bohed from Pixabay

How much is actually free now? df -h

df -hwill give you a simple understanding of how much disk space you’ve got remaining. You can filter out loopback and temporary partitions easily with; dg -h | egrep -v 'tmp|loop'

Filesystem                 Size   Used   Avail   Use%   Mounted On
/dev/mapper/centos-root 100G 60G 40G 60% /

How big is that file? — du -h

user@host: du -hs messages
20M messages

Which files are taking up space? — ncdu

You probably need to install the NCurses Disk Usage tool; yum install ncdu (Fedora, CentOS) or apt-get install ncdu (Debian, Ubuntu, etc). It’s awesome though;

Awesome! Better delete those boost libraries, so much bloat!

Useful tip; ncdu -x /mnt/myStuff will make ncdu just stay on the same filesystem (very useful when scanning root — / for example).

Shortcut keys; ? for help, d to delete the currently selected item

/var/log/journal — Delete old logs

Warning: Check if you’re allowed to delete old logs on a production system, if you don’t own that system!

If /var/log/journal is getting too big, you can easily delete old logs;

journalctl --vacuum-size 100M — Deletes all of the older logs until you get down to 100 Mb

Deleted archived journal /var/log/journal/9b57750d29bb4165956552cc5e3261b4/user-1000@af904f609b3645d5965a0ad33e1cba01-0000000000020a0e-0005aaa09409d7e6.journal (72.0M).
Deleted archived journal /var/log/journal/9b57750d29bb4165956552cc5e3261b4/user-1000@af904f609b3645d5965a0ad33e1cba01-0000000000040ea9-0005ad04e17c296b.journal (128.0M).
Vacuuming done, freed 3.8G of archived journals from /var/log/journal/9b57750d29bb4165956552cc5e3261b4.
Vacuuming done, freed 0B of archived journals from /var/log/journal.

Or alternatively, you could delete logs based on time;

journalctl --vacuum-time=3d — keep logs only from the last 3 days

/var/cache/yum — Delete cached package downloads (Fedora, CentOS)

yum clean all Will clear out Yum’s cache of previously downloaded packages.

/var/cache/apt/archives/ — Delete cached package downloads (Debian, Ubuntu)

apt-get clean — will clear out Apt’s cache of previously downloaded packages.

apt-get autoclean — will clear out packages that can no longer be downloaded.

Remove unneeded packages

yum autoremove(Fedora, CentOS) or apt-get autoremove(Debian, Ubuntu) — a lot of people don’t know about this one. It removes old dependencies, old kernels, etc.

Image by bohed from Pixabay



James Read
James Read’s Code, Containers and Cloud blog

Public Cloud and Open Source advocate. Red Hat Solution Architect during the day. Enthusiastic developer at night :)