My first experiences using MacOS

This article was written after 24 hours with a Mac Mini, i5 CPU, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD. Mac OS Catalina. My own Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard.

What am I used to?

Been using Linux (Fedora, KDE) as my “daily desktop” for a longgg time now and 200% happy with it. It’s just perfect for me.

Windows. Have used everything Windows 95 up until Windows Vista as a “daily desktop”, then I switched to Linux. I’ve still used everything up to Windows 10, and I do have a Windows 10 laptop, but I only use as a games console.

Installing Mac OS — setup Apple ID;

Somewhat frustrating getting that setup (on another computer), so that I could install Mac OS. Of course I had to enter my credit card details, before the account would work! I also had to jump through various hoops afterwards to confirm my account via SMS message and that sort of thing. I suppose that’s to be expected now-a-days.

App Store;

  • Installed Magnet —(after paying £2 for it) it’s weird that as a modern OS the window management is so primitive. At least £2 is a small price to pay for functional window management, but it really should be built-in.

Apps from Internet;

I thought it was strange that the App Store did not have Spotify, Firefox, etc. If this was Linux I would just do a yum install ... for most of them, but admittedly Spotify and BitWarden are self installs.

  • Installed SensibleSideButtons — again, so weird that as a modern OS I had to install an App to get my mouse side buttons (forward/back) to work!
  • Firefox
  • BitWarden — password manager
  • Spotify

Bash Shell, Git, .profile, etc;

Hah! a functional-ish terminal with tabs, bash shell, Git. That was straightforward and pleasant. No problems there.

Settings I had to change;

  • System settings, Keyboard, keyboard repeat rate.
  • System settings, Keyboard, switch Ctrl and Command buttons. No way am I re-learning 15 years of muscle memory for common shortcuts!

Remaining frustrations;

Mostly keyboard shortcuts, I think.

  • The home/end keys on my keyboard do not work as expected. I presume those need to be “configured” for some reason in the keyboard settings but I did not find it yet.
  • The @ and “ keys are incorrectly reversed, despite selecting a UK keyboard layout.
  • Many keyboard shortcuts that I just use from muscle memory do what I would consider “un-intuitive” things — Ctrl+Backspace deletes the whole sentence, rather than the last word. Alt+F4 doesn’t close the window.


Mac OS seems usable, even if I had to make a couple of tweaks — that’s to be expected. Here’s why I would not use it as a “daily desktop”;

  • Given that the Mac only has 1x monitor output, and I’m used to 4x monitors on my desktop, this isn’t going to work. No doubt I could buy an adaptor or two, but the hardware itself is underpowered for a daily desktop for me.
  • More points to add later :-)
  • Font sizes — Linux/KDE has awesome support for scaling the font sizes of most apps.



James Read
James Read’s Code, Containers and Cloud blog

Public Cloud and Open Source advocate. Red Hat Solution Architect during the day. Enthusiastic developer at night :)