OliveTin — a simple web interface for running Linux shell commands

OliveTin screenshot

It’s been a while since I’ve had the time to stay up late and write code for fun, but I’d just like to write a post to quickly introduce a little project I’ve been working on called OliveTin.

Use cases

  1. Give controlled access to run shell commands to less technical folks who cannot be trushed with SSH. I use this so my family can podman restart plex without asking me, and without giving them shell access!
  2. Great for home automation tablets stuck on walls around your house — I use this to turn Hue lights on and off for example.
  3. Sometimes SSH access isn’t possible to a server, or you are feeling too lazy to type a long command you run regulary! I use this to send Wake on Lan commands to servers around my house.

Video demo

This blog post is just a shameless copy-pasta of parts of the project README — find more here; https://github.com/OliveTin/OliveTin



James Read
James Read’s Code, Containers and Cloud blog

Public Cloud and Open Source advocate. Red Hat Solution Architect during the day. Enthusiastic developer at night :) http://jread.com