Why You Need a Simple Mantra in Your Life

And some suggestions that I use all the time

James Ssekamatte
James‘ Voice


Image made by the author using photoshop

A mantra is a motivating chant you repeat over and over to yourself.

Mantras are most recognized in the world of meditation. They are also used when we are trying to do some great fit like the last stretch of a marathon.

As you can see from the definition above, mantras are often thought of as positive. This is great but a one-sided approach to the idea.

What isn’t talked about much is the other side. The most common side by the way. The negative side.

Here is information from Michigan State University Extension’s Stress Less with Mindfulness program.

A person has 80,000 thoughts a day.

90% of these thoughts are ones we have had before, and 80% of these are negative.

It means that 90% of our thoughts are actually mantras due to their nature of being repetitive. And of those mantras, 80% of them are negative.

If you are still lost, let me put it in numbers. For every 10 thoughts you have, 9 of them are repetitive(mantras) and 7.2 of those 9 thoughts you have are negative.

Maria Millet is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She says that negative thinking is a part of being…

