【不負責任經驗分享】- 申請研究所的自傳寫了什麼?履歷裡放了什麼?

Li-Yun Lin (Jamie), PhD
14 min readSep 30, 2018








  • 個人基本資料(現在的頭銜與身份)跟聯絡資訊(信箱與電話)
  • 學歷 Education
  • 專業技能與經驗 Professional experience
  • 得獎事蹟與發表 Honors and Awards
  • 語言能力 Languages
  • 期刊發表 Journal Publication
  • 會議發表 Conference Publication
  • 其他網站連結 Additional URL (例如LinkedIn、Researchgate等等)

會列出以上這些項目主要原因是因為這份履歷是投研究機構的職缺用的,所以會著重在professional experience跟publication這兩塊;在每個大項下我會再列出子項,並做些簡單的說明例如我的研究主題為何、實驗室主持人是誰、實習部門的名稱為何工作內容為哪些等等。



  • 個人基本資料(現在的頭銜與身份)跟聯絡資訊(信箱與電話)
  • 學歷 Education
  • 專業技能與經驗 Professional experience
  • 得獎事蹟與發表 Honors and Presentations
  • 語言能力 Languages
  • 其他網站連結 Additional URL (例如LinkedIn)




  • Introduction

My name is Li-Yun, or Jamie, Lin. I am a senior student in Chung Shan Medical University, major in Medical Technology. I never hesitate in expressing myself, and am eager to learn different languages and face challenges since I was in elementary school. I had won lots of prizes in Chinese and English speech competitions and had excellent performance in school. During junior high, I developed my computer skills and won the first prize of PowerPoint Usage and Present competition, studied data analysis to learn to find out the advantages and disadvantages in different fields and try to figure out the best solution. In senior high, I got the government supporting to go to Japan and Korea to learn more about how to protect the environment and help other people via green technology as a short-term exchange student. I also started to do some basic science research since my freshman year. I also got excellent grades in various competitions like earthscience, biology, computer usage and so on. In the last year of senior high, I passed GEPT High-intermediate and got 765 in TOEIC. All these experiences open my view and I hope to help as much people as possible using what I have learned.


  • University Life and Research Experience

In Chung Shan Medical University, I live a colorful club life. I was the 30th club leader of Chinese Martial Art Club and I lead my club win the prize in the association judge competition. I also found the Wikipedia translation club, hope to help students learn from multi-field and share what they have learned to each other. As for my performances in class, I have not only acted as class officer such as vice class leader, class secretary, and class treasurer, but also maintained a stable academic performance as well. Due to my efficient time arrangement, I participate in several research projects and have many summer intern experiences. I joined my homeroom professor’s lab in my first semester of university, did the drug test on animal model, tried to reveal the interaction between the Chinese herbs, of how they prevent eye damages and influence neuron recovery of eyes. I did an oral presentation of the pre-data in the 2014 International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (Oct 14–17, Istanbul, Turkey) and had a poster presentation of the complete experimental results in the same conference on 2015 (Sep 20–23, Wuxi, China) and won the third prize of Graduated School Student Poster Competition. In addition, I got the College Student Research Scholarship.

In the summer of 2015, I went to Academia Sinica to join the Neuroscience Summer Internship. The research topic is about Alzheimer and neuron repair. From Optometry to Neuroscience, I love to find out the way to improve the medical diagnosis and diseases prevention. Two years lab experience enhances my abilities in lab organization and medical management and let me get the opportunity to represent my school to deliver a speech entitled “Credibility and Quality Control of medical laboratories” in Annual medical technology student forum. In order to learn interdisciplinary, I participate in wikipedia medical translation project, read the first hand paper and edit for wikipedia to share knowledge to the world. I was selected to be one of the Taiwan Wikipedia association broad member in march, 2016, to keep spreading wikipedia medical translation project and set new projects. This summer, I had an internship in pharmaceutical factory. I will keep challenging myself and learning interdisciplinary


  • Motivation and Purpose

I am a student clearly know what I want. The reason why I apply for Global Innovation Joint-degree Program is that it can provide the environment for interdisciplinary learning, especially in the fields I am interested in, such as neuroscience, molecular biology, and virology. I would like to spend my time on studying Neurological recovery and the research about hepatitis B virus in hope to help more people in the world. My major in university, which is medical technology, helps me developing experimental skills better and know what patients needs more clearly than other students. The research experiences and internships let me build up excellent research foundation and correct attitude.


  • Study Plan

In my plan, I will not only keep improving my English ability but also learn other foreign languages like Japanese and French. Next semester I am going to Hualien to have a half-year internship in hospital, I will try my best to get the Medical Technologist license in Taiwan and the international Medical laboratory Scientist license in next summer. If I have the honor to become a member of Global Innovation Joint-degree Program, I will use my summer time to get used to the school and lab environment, read related papers beforehand, and discuss research topic with professor if possible. I hope I can help people with what I have learned and researched in graduate school in the future.




  • 如果時間許可建議先整理出履歷,平常就要定期更新
  • 如果有個人網站,上面的資料也要定期更新維護
  • 自傳方面依照系所要求來撰寫,請適當強調自己的背景優勢與動機,學習計畫很重要,如果可以請多搜集些資訊或是跟教授聊聊。
  • 如果沒辦法直接寫出英文版可以先寫出中文版再來翻譯,這樣剛好兩種語言的版本都有,未來使用上會方便很多
  • 沒有什麼模板或是格式才是正確的,依照個人需求使用即可。




Li-Yun Lin (Jamie), PhD

PhD in immunology @unistra. Postdoc @inserm 🦠 Research direction: HIV functional antibodies. Gmail:jamielinliyun@gmail.com