How to Progress as a Data Professional and Become a Leader in Your Field

Izzy Whittaker
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2017

Whilst there are many articles out there advising you how to enter into a career focused around data, there are few that detail how to advance your progression past that point.

In this article, I will discuss 3 soft skill strategies / habits you can adopt to advance your career, and how these skills will help you get there:

Soft skills

Working with data means coding is always going to be a core element of your focus, however, if you want to progress in your field, it is important to remember that soft skills are essential.

Simply put, soft skills are personal attributes that you need to succeed in the workplace and also in your field, and so we explore the most useful soft skills to develop:


Communication is key, it is truly the most important soft skill to master. As your day to day work will heavily influence the direction and future of your organisation, it is incredibly important to communicate to your colleagues; not only what you are doing, but also why, how and for what purpose. Communication is a two way street, so ensure that you listen to the needs and concerns of your coworkers too: the more you can help them to understand and appreciate your role, the easier it becomes.

Business Acumen

Focus on developing your business skills and mentality. Learning about the wider business / industry you are working in enables you to communicate and collaborate what you are doing in closer harmony with what your colleagues are trying to achieve across their lines within the business.

Never Stop Learning

Whilst I emphasised the need to expand your soft skills, adopting a thirst for knowledge across all aspects of your career (including your technical skills), is a trait seen across many successful professionals. If you want to become a better data professional and enhance your career progression, you should always be looking to improve your technical, interpersonal, decision making, leadership and organisational skills — stimulate your intellectual curiosity: keep learning, no one is a total expert.

I hope that this article has shed some light on what options you have in advancing your career. Whilst I cannot promise you a promotion, taking these tips into account should certainly help and stand you in good stead to be considered for bigger responsibilities and opportunities.

