JamieAi ‘s experience in TalentTech Rising

JamieAi editor team
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

JamieAi’s team attended this years revolutionary event held by The Recruitment Events Company.

Talent Tech Rising, is an event like no others. Delegates represent companies that are interested to integrate new solutions for their HR needs. Vendors cover a variety of solutions specialising on attraction, selection, engagement and management — all in all the complete toolkit an in-house recruiter needs. Delegates are then invited to join 10' demo sessions and if interested, they registered their details with the vendors via Text to Connect. This protects all attendees from being contacted by companies they are not interested in. Quite cool right?

JamieAi’s session exhibited how their solution beats the inefficient, outdated and expensive model of recruitment. In a full cinema room, JamieAi’s presenters, Jordan Russel & Donald Fogarty enjoyed a very interactive crowd.

Businesses can save time and money when using JamieAi’s platform. Jordan and Don showed how JamieAi’s specialised approach has created the smartest sourcing and filtering tool in the industry and Europe’s largest dedicated pool of data professionals. In a short demo, they explained the easy, prompt and hassle-free process for hiring managers and in-house recruiters when on the lookout for great talent.

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JamieAi recently closed their first round of external investment. Our competitive pricing model and advanced solution has enabled us to flourish in the space and be trusted by companies such as Sainsbury’s, Barclays and Expedia.

To learn more visit jamieai.com, read our blog or email us at hello@jamieai.com



JamieAi editor team
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