You are live on ‘Big Brother’ — please do not swear!

Izzy Whittaker
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2017

The Government is ‘cracking down on security’ by planning to impose live surveillance on the British public’s internet communications.

Despite the Home Office denying that such a proposal has been put in place, a BT spokesperson claims that the company has been provided with “ a copy of draft regulation, to be made under the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA) 2016”.

The IPA enables the UK Intelligence community to surveill the British public’s communication data, and to interfere with and retain any personal information found.

The proposed live Surveillance act- leaked in a draft technical paper to the Open Rights Group on 4th May- resonates with the totalitarian world of George Orwell’s 1984, providing a platform for the Government to “spy” on its own people.

However, whilst it may be in the name of social security, couldn’t this act also provide access to “others” who don’t have such good intentions?

In fact, this is the very question that was raised by the public following the leak, showing how the proposed live surveillance is a topic of concern.

If you are one of those concerned, then be warned: Big Brother’s watch doesn’t end there.

The UK Government also has the ability to enforce encryption removal, and Amber Rudd, the current Home Secretary has inferred that they just might action this.

Rudd alluded to the encryption removal of the instant messenger service Whatsapp, claiming that it’s encrypted messages could “provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate”, and that if Whatsapp were not willing to co-operate, it could lead to further legislation.

With the Government decrypting messaging platforms such as Whatsapp, that most of us use all day everyday, they will have access to our conversations between friends, family etc: exposing the utmost details of our personal lives.

Whilst some of you may say that you don’t have anything to hide, does that excuse this invasion of privacy?

I am sure I am not alone in fearing the risks that the Government’s security act could pose to our data, our private lives and our personal information, and so I ask you: are you willing to sacrifice your privacy and human rights for something that may or may not offer you protection?

Well, it would appear that you don’t have a choice.

