Fellowships African journalists should apply for by March

We have put together a list of some journalism fellowships that African journalists should apply for

Melissa Tsungai Zisengwe
4 min readFeb 7, 2019


Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

These international organisations are offering journalists funded fellowships with many benefits. Fellowships can be a transformative international experience to see the world and bring back new experiences and skills to the workplace.

  1. Dataship — The Data Journalism Fellowship
    DW Volontariat Ausschreibung Fotos (DW Akademie) Dataship is a 12-month fellowship program that brings together 15 of the brightest early-career data journalists from countries that are not members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to foster the development of data-driven reporting. The program combines tailored training and networking opportunities, offering selected fellows a unique and exclusive opportunity to learn, exchange ideas and connect with their counterparts around the world to become advocates of data journalism in their own countries.

Fellows receive up to €2,000 to support their personal data-driven project and are invited to two training sessions (in May 2019 and January 2020) as well as two major conferences, the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Hamburg and the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy.

Eligibility criteria

Technical skills: Applicants should be familiar with the tools of data journalism. In particular, they should:

  • Know how to use advanced spreadsheet functionalities such as pivot tables, filters and vertical lookups.
  • Know how to use online visualisation software such as Datawrapper or Infogram.

Experience: Applicants should have published at least one story using data journalism techniques in a news media.

Country of residence: Applicants should be residents of a country that is not a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (Africa is not part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

English language: Applicants should have a command of English corresponding at least to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Note that, apart from the application form, participants will not be expected to write in English (unless they choose to write their project in English, of course). However, English will be the language of the training and conferences.

Applications should be made online by filling out this form.

Application Deadline: 08, February 2019, 23:59 CET.

2. Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative (DPIJI)
This initiative is open to journalists working to expose prejudice. Moment Magazine’s Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative provides grants to journalists aged between 22 to 38 to research and write in-depth stories about a modern manifestation of anti-Semitism or any other deeply ingrained prejudice. Each year, Moment — with the help of an advisory board of journalists — select one Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative Fellow, who receives $5,000 ($2,500 upfront and $2,500 upon publication) to produce a story.

Fellows work closely with Moment editors and selected mentors to publish their completed project in Moment as well as partner media outlets.

How to apply: Send an email to dpiji@momentmag.com including

  • Your name, date of birth and contact information
  • Your resume
  • Three clips from a print or digital publication, including at least one long-form story
  • A description of your story proposal, including how you plan to execute it
  • Two recommendations, one from an editor about your work as a journalist, and one from a journalist or scholar about the content of your proposal

Application Deadline: 30 March 2019

3. World Press Institute Fellowships
Gain access to, engage in and observe the role, responsibility and impact of a free press firsthand in one of the world’s largest, most diverse democracies. Through an immersive program, you will learn how America’s founding principles of a free press and journalistic best practices help foster transparency and accountability of government institutions, businesses and organisations, including the most powerful ones.

In a guided tour across the country — including Chicago, New York City, Miami, Austin (Texas), San Francisco, and more — you will meet with and interview subject matter experts in media outlets, think tanks and advocacy organisations. You will hear firsthand accounts of new business models being tested and implemented among national and local media outlets.

You will learn about American history and current affairs, as well as challenges the U.S. media faces while experiencing and reporting on social, economic and political issues.

You also will interact with people from a variety of walks of life and get some free time along the way to explore on your own.

Application Deadline: 15 February 2019.

4. The Fellowship in Global Journalism: Munk School of Global Affairs
The Fellowship in Global Journalism is unlike any conventional journalism school. The Munk School will mentor you as you actually cover your own speciality for top media around the world. When you graduate in April 2020, you will already be an experienced global correspondent, ready for editors who want deeper reporting. Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy is recruiting up to 20 fellows from around the world and seeking something different than conventional journalism programmes.

Apply only if you already have knowledge of a speciality and wish to report on that speciality. The school generally considers people who either have work-experience in a discipline and/or who have studied that discipline at Master’s level or higher. The relevant graduate degree, professional degree or work experience to report knowledgeably on any speciality.

How to Apply: Follow the application procedure and materials instructions as laid out on the Admissions page.

Application Deadline: 4 March 2019



Melissa Tsungai Zisengwe

Program Project Officer at Civic Tech Innovation Network at Wits Governance School