Jan Limark
Jan Always Writes
Published in
9 min readJul 14, 2020

You are blogging! Likely because you have heard us (or innumerable other sources) tell you how important and valuable it’s for a successful inbound marketing strategy. Why are not they coming?

Well, my friends, that isn’t baseball — or a film — and sadly, that is not actually how it operates. Web blogs require good quality old fashioned elbow grease.

1 | You just found your site

Here’s the matter, people: Your site is not going to begin getting lots of visitors. Building your readership up takes time. We never said blogging was not difficult — but boy can it be rewarding if you stick with this.

2 | Your website content is not optimized for search and societal sharing

Among the reasons blogging is this kind of effective inbound advertising instrument is its direct tie to search as I suggested in my first point. The site content you create, the more chances you must get discovered by searchers because each site post you release is another page to get indexed in search engines. The truth is, the typical business will find a 45% increase in traffic when raising site posts that are absolute from 11–20 to 21–50 posts.

And the amazing thing is, since they will continue to get detected after they were initially released these blog posts will continue to drive results as time passes. But you will get considerably better results as you create content to your website if you are following search engine optimization best practices. Talking of social media promotion, you realize you are not the only person who can distribute your site posts via societal, right?

Add societal sharing buttons to every post you print to empower your visitors that are present to share your content, also. It’s possible for you to learn the best way to create these societal sharing buttons. And to raise the odds your content will be shared by your visitors in the first place, you can find other things you are able to do aside from adding societal sharing buttons, like including crafting focus and powerful vision -grabbing names.

3 | You are marketing your products, services, and achievements instead of marketing your website.

If no one understands your site exists so just how do you build up audience? Well, have you been doing any advertising that is website? You know … promoting your website? You must think with your site being the merchandise should you really need to get your website out there. Market your site posts in social media, contain site content -nurturing workflows, and send an e-mail that is committed to your own list to denote your site exists.

And what about in your web site? Have you got a link to your own website in your site’s main navigation? When it comes to building readership does not the real content issue? First things quit blogging about yourself! That is not what your company website is for. With the aim of bringing new visitors on top of the funnel, you want your own site to supply value to the kinds of folks you’d ultimately like to convert in other words, your buyer characters.

They could not care less about your products and services, if your visitors understand nothing about you. So if you will want spot to talk about services and your entire wonderful new products, other accolades, and award triumphs, begin a different business news site, and set it all there.

4 | Your content is not valuable to your target audience

Let us piggyback off amount six a little, since I mentioned “supplying worth,” but did not precisely say what “value” is. In simplest terms, precious content is content that meets your market’s interests, needs, or questions. So how can you understand what your market’s interests, needs, and questions are? The key will be to begin with your buyer characters. You will have a much better comprehension of the kinds of content it is possible to create to appeal to them by knowing what makes those people tick.

And consequently, you will have created a destination that can draw in the kinds of individuals you really need as readers. Run an instant audit using the suggestions in this post, if you are still unsure if your content is really valuable for your market. Now, after you get these readers that are new for your website, you need them to stick around, do not you? The greatest method to try this is to make them subscribe, especially via e-mail, since e-mail subscribers get notifications right for their inbox when new content can be obtained in your website.

RSS subscribers, while precious, have the freedom of being a bit less active, since it is up to them to assess their RSS reader by themselves to find out about your brand-new content. So, show your e-mail subscription form conspicuously in your site, consider adding a call-to-actions within your posts add a site, and to encourage subscription subscribe check box all of which you can all learn about in this post. Turn those casual readers into supporters and committed subscribers of your content.

5 | Your copywriting is dull

Let us handle the opinion in the parenthetical. Content that is quality begins with quality writing. And at the minimum, your writing needs the fundamentals down pat. Although you’ve got thoughts that are great but are not the greatest writer, consider hiring an editor. As well as if you’ve got writing skills that are strong and do not need a full time editor, make sure you have someone proof everything you print. In the end, everyone makes errors.

In terms of “mundane” copywriting, let us face it — many folks are not just peddling the most alluring of products (you know, like advertising applications). But that does not mean our content has to be dull. The truth is, engaging and really fascinating writing is among the greatest methods to earn your site be noticeable from rivals’ sites. If I had the choice between two equally insightful sites in an identical sector and the other had not considerably more delightful copywriting than one, it is possible to bet your buttons I Had opt for the one with the copywriting that is delightful.

Recall — your content can continue to be helpful and credible without seeming like a stuffy academic paper. Be witty and conversational, tell stories, and seem like a person.

6 | Your topics are too broad

Generally, when first time bloggers start their blogs, they opt to write about topics that are way too broad for a reader’s writing. Such as the following mentioned topics used as examples:

(1) How to Earn Money Online
(2) Best Marketing Strategies
(3) How to Build Your Blog

While there is no problem with these types of articles, it’s just that these articles oftentimes fail to cover all the sub-topics included in the whole topic. These types of blog posts are usually discussed using few numbers of words, failing to actually talk about other aspects, or other things related to such topic.Instead, try to chop down these broad topics into more specific ones, and write an article an article focusing on the specific sub-topic.

This way, the sub-topics to be discussed gets their own blog post. Such as the example below:

(1) How to Earn Money Online by Doing Online Jobs
(2) How to Earn Money Online by Building a Blog
(3) How to Earn Money Online by Advertising

Right off the bat, these articles clearly fall on the topic, “How to Earn Money Online,” but on each sub-topic, it is specifically mentioned each different ways of earning money online. This way, you can include a lot of related ideas without making the article seem messy or out of the place.

7 | Your blog post is a dump — figuratively

Long articles, everything’s all over the place, the paragraphs are not in logical order, it is hard to follow the thoughts of the blog post, you’re throwing everything at the reader all at once, it is a disaster. You don’t want your articles to be garbage dump, do you? The solution? Write down a draft, or, an outline. Before actually writing it all out, sit down first and draw an outline. Visualize how your blog post is going to go. Imagine in your head how you are going to execute the chosen topic. What’s your introduction? Are you first going to ask about your readers? Throw questions at them that you think are relatable? Or are you going to narrate about things that the reader will relate to?

Make sure your introduction is catchy to keep your reader reading till the end. How will you transition to the second part of the blog post? Quick tip, when transitioning in between parts or paragraphs, make sure that there is a linkage between the two, or use transition words (however, then, and, also, etc.) to shift paragraphs smoothly. If you will not include a link, or transition words, these paragraphs will look like they are not interconnected and your blog post will not seem cohesive.

How are you going to end it? Leave a compelling mark to your readers. Don’t let them forget your article or blur it with others.

8 | Use data to be more credible

Oftentimes, people tend to forget it. They forget to not include data, or actual research onto their written articles. The power of data is not to be underestimated. It is very different to read an article containing “67%” or “According to a study conducted by…” than an article which is only composed of words. Utilize the internet to your advantage and actually use the Google search bar to find credible data or sources to include in your written blog post.

This will make you seem more credible, and in the brain of a reader, it will sound like you actually know what you are writing about and they will tend to believe you more. And while you are at it, add some charts and graphical representations on your blog post to make reading easier for your readers. This is also to back up your points.

9 | Your writing is too formal

You see, writing in such a formal or stiff manner is not enjoyable at all, at the mere less, it makes your readers bored with the content that they are reading. And when boredom strikes, it is not far from your readers clicking away from your blog post and just completely forgets about it or your blog. Write like you talk, like you are conversing with your friends. Use a friendly tone when writing your blog posts. You are not writing a speech for the people of the United States of America.

You are not writing a news article for a tabloid. Instead, you are writing for your readers. You may use informal language, you may act friendly with your words. As an exercise, see the way I’ve written up until now? Write all the informal language, or all the words I used that you enjoyed. Keep that list nearby whenever you write so that you can refer to it anytime you want.

10 | Your article is not original, not at all

You think you’re article is original? But the reality is that it is bordering plagiarism. There are many things why you would wish to not plagiarize anything at all. You could get sued, and end up paying jail fines, and that is utterly unpleasant. But most of all, your readers will turn away from an unoriginal blog post. They will have an impression that you are unprofessional, and therefore, will not take you seriously. If your content is the same as others, without properly crediting your sources.

They will blend your article in with others, completely forgetting all the important details to come back to your blog again. Your article will not stand out if your content is not original. So learn to properly credit your sources and do not re-type or copy paste works that you find in the internet. That is not hard work at all.

Note: If you’re looking for a freelance writer who specializes in online marketing, check my portfolio blog and let’s talk about business.

