What is your brand?

Jan Johan
Jan Johan
Published in
1 min readApr 8, 2018


You guys remember that scene from Sky High where the gym teacher asks each student to step forward and showcase their superpowers to the rest of the class? And then the teacher judges each student on whether or not they become a hero or a sidekick based on their superpowers..?


That feeling of getting judged based on what makes you unique as an individual is eerily familiar when I think about what my personal brand is. How will people view my brand? What will they think of it? Is it “hero” material?

The best thing about your personal brand is that it can literally be whatever you want it to be. Trying to figure out a personal brand is way bigger than just asking yourself “What makes me different?”. It’s also a way of asking “What do I want to be known for?” When I made this board, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to be known for + what I needed to do to get there, and most importantly, why should people care?

