Popular Salesforce Developer Interview Questions you need to know in 2020

Sahil Chadha
JanBask Training
Published in
10 min readJul 24, 2020

Cracking a Salesforce Developer Interview can be a life-changing moment for you. With an average annual salary of more than 100,000 USD, you can aspire to have a career in the most demanded career profile around the world.

Interviews can be tough. We get it! We have a success mantra. We have a list of Salesforce Developer interview questions, which will set you through. These are the most frequently asked questions in an interview.

If you want to crack that Salesforce Developer job interview then you must not miss reading out on them for sure. The list covers the Salesforce Developer Interview Questions for 3+ years experienced professionals and advanced level experience, professionals.

Salesforce Developer Interview Questions

Salesforce Developer Interview Questions 3+ years of Experience

Q1). What are the types of Salesforce licenses available? What are their limits?

A). Salesforce: Designed for clients who require full access to standard CRM and Force.com AppExchange applications. Clients with this client permit are qualified to get to any standard or custom application. Each permit gives extra stockpiling to Enterprise and Unlimited Edition clients.

B). Salesforce Platform: Designed for clients who need access to custom applications however not to standard CRM usefulness. Clients with this client permit are qualified to utilize custom applications created in your association or introduced from Force.com AppExchange. What’s more, they are qualified for use center stage usefulness, for example, accounts, contacts, reports, dashboards, records, and custom tabs. In any case, these clients are not qualified for some client consents and standard applications, including standard tabs and articles, for example, conjectures and openings. Clients with this permit can likewise utilize Connect Offline. Clients with a Salesforce Platform client permit can get to all the custom applications in your association. Each permit gives extra stockpiling to Enterprise and Unlimited Edition clients.

C). Force.com: One App — Designed for clients who need access to one custom application however not to standard CRM usefulness. Force.com — One App clients are qualified for indistinguishable rights from Salesforce Platform clients, besides, to approach a boundless number of custom tabs. Be that as it may, they are restricted to the utilization of one custom application, which is characterized as up to 10 custom items, and they are constrained to pursue just access to the Accounts and Contacts objects.

D). Force.com App Subscription: Permits clients’ access to a Force.com Light App or Force.com Enterprise App, neither of which incorporate CRM usefulness.

A Force.com Light App has up to 10 custom articles and 10 custom tabs, has perused just access to (salesforce CRM preparing) records and contacts and supports object-level and field-level security. A Force.com Light App can’t utilize the Bulk API or Streaming API.

A Force.com Enterprise App has up to 10 custom items and 10 custom tabs. Notwithstanding the consents of a Force.com Light App, a Force.com Enterprise App bolsters record-level sharing, can utilize the Bulk API and Streaming API and has perused/compose access to records and contacts.

E). Knowledge Only User: Designed for clients who just need access to the Salesforce Knowledge application. This permit gives access to the accompanying tabs: Articles, Article Management, Chatter, Chatter Files, Home, Profiles, Reports, custom items, and custom tabs. The (sap preparing) Knowledge Only User permit incorporates a Knowledge Only profile that awards access to the Articles tab. To view and utilize the Article Management tab, a client must have the “Oversee Articles” consent.

F). Chatter Free: Designed for Unlimited, Enterprise, and Professional Edition clients that don’t have Salesforce licenses, however, need access to Chatter. These clients can get to standard Chatter individuals, profiles, gatherings, and documents. They can’t get to any Salesforce articles or information.

G). Chatter Only: Also known as Chatter Plus. Intended for Unlimited, Enterprise, and Professional Edition clients that don’t have Salesforce licenses, however, need access to some Salesforce questions notwithstanding Chatter.

Q2). What is the junction object in Salesforce Triggers and what is its purpose?

Junction objects are utilized to fabricate many-to-numerous connections between objects. For instance, the client can take an enlisting application where a situation for an occupation can be connected to numerous applicants or can interface a contender to numerous different employments. To associate the information model, an outsider item is alluded to as an intersection object. In the given model, the intersection object is a “request for employment.”

Q3). What is an Audit Trail?

The Audit Trail work in Salesforce is valuable for picking up data or for following all the ongoing arrangement changes that the organization has done in the association. The review trail can safeguard information for as long as a half year.

Q4). What is the difference between SOQL and SOSL?

SOQL is Salesforce Object Query Language and SOSL is Salesforce Object Search Language. On the off chance that you are detecting that Salesforce is a culture unto itself, you are right!

Q5). What is a Wrapper Class?

A Wrapper Class is a class whose occasions are an assortment of different items and is utilized to show various articles on a Visualforce page in a similar table

Q6). What is Sandbox? What are the different types of Sandbox?

With regards to advancement, a Sandbox is a proving ground for code before it is executed into generation. There are a few unique kinds of Sandbox, with the differentiation being how a lot of information the Sandbox can store, and the sort of information it can duplicate from creation.

Q7). What is the workflow?

A workflow robotizes the accompanying activities: make another undertaking, send an outbound message, send an email alarm, or update a field.

Q8). What is Apex test coverage? What’s the minimum test coverage required to deploy?

To ensure that your code satisfies certain rules, Apex Code incorporation gives you what number of executable lines of code in your classes and triggers have been drilled by test procedures. Code consideration rate is an estimation of the number of verified lines isolated by the whole number of verified lines and uncovered lines. The base test incorporation required to pass on to creation is 75%

Q9). What is the distinction between Trigger and Process Builder?

The trigger is a code-based assessment of criteria in Apex, used to set a chain of occasions. Procedure Builder assesses criteria and performs activities when criteria have been met.

Q10). What are the two options for when Apex Triggers can run?

Apex Triggers can either run before a record has been spared of after. A preceding activity is normally used to confirm data that will be embedded, and after the trigger is utilized to get to the information that has recently been entered by a client or framework.

Salesforce Developer Interview Questions- Advanced Level

Q11). What is Field Bucket used for?

Field Bucket can be utilized to order records without including any additional information.

Q12). What is the difference between S-Controls and Visualforce?

S-Controls are gadgets inside the Salesforce stage. This is currently supplanted by Visualforce, notwithstanding, which is the new markup language for Salesforce.

Q13). Why do we need to write test classes? How to identify if a class is a test class?

Since test classes and test strategies to check whether a specific bit of code is working appropriately or not. On the off chance that that bit of code comes up short, at that point engineers/analyzers can precisely find the test class having the broken bug.

Test classes can be resolved effectively because each test class will be commented on with @isTest catchphrase. Indeed, on the off chance that we don’t comment on a test class with @isTest, at that point, it can’t be characterized as a test class. Essentially, any strategy inside a class which has the watchword test Method is a test technique.

Q14). What is WSDL?

WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an XML record that portrays a web administration. WSDL is gotten from Microsoft’s Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and IBM’s Network Accessible Service Specification Language (NASSL). WSDL replaces both NASSL and SOAP as the methods for communicating business benefits in the UDDI vault. It is utilized in blend with SOAP and XML Schema to give web benefits over the Internet. A customer program associating with a web administration can peruse the WSDL to figure out what capacities are accessible on the server. Any extraordinary datatypes utilized are installed in the WSDL record as XML Schema. The customer would then be able to utilize SOAP to call one of the capacities recorded in the WSDL. There are two sorts of WSDL in Salesforce:

Q15). What is an external ID in Salesforce? Which all field data types can be used as external IDs?

An outside ID is a custom field that can be utilized as a one of a kind identifier in a record. Outside IDs are for the most part utilized while bringing in records/information. When bringing in records, one among the numerous fields in those records should be set apart as an outside ID (extraordinary identifier).

A significant point to note is that solitary custom fields can be utilized as External IDs. The fields that can be set apart as outside IDs may be Text, Number, E-Mail, and Auto-Number.

Q16). Where did you first learn to become a Salesforce Developer?

Numerous Salesforce Developers have considerable experience with software engineering or programming, however, others have discovered the innovation and went gaga for it, learning the nuts and bolts before, in the long run, turning into a Developer.

With this inquiry, the questioner is attempting to discover what it was explicit that attracted you to your present place of employment job. It is safe to say that you are a designer on the most fundamental level? Do you exceed expectations at critical thinking works out? Do you invest wholeheartedly in creating answers for private ventures? Consider your key encounters and how they characterized you as an expert.

Q17). Are you Salesforce certified?

If you are Salesforce ensured, at that point, this will be a significant direct answer. You can tell the questioner when you got confirmed, how you found the accreditation procedure, and how confirmation has helped you as a designer.

On the off chance that you aren’t Salesforce guaranteed, it might assist you with learning somewhat about Salesforce Developer Certification and how the procedure functions. There are three sorts of confirmation for designers — Commerce Cloud Digital Developer, Platform Developer I, and Platform Developer II — and regardless of whether you haven’t moved in the direction of any of them, exhibiting that you recognize what they are and how to achieve them shows your comprehension of the Salesforce condition and demonstrates that you have aspirations to turn into a specialist in your field.

Q18). Have you ever had to deal with data loss? What are some of the causes and workarounds?

As a business with an organizational framework, for example, CRM or ERP programming, perhaps the greatest concern is the loss of information and the effect that can have on the association. As a designer, you will be relied upon to execute shields against loss of information, or to take protection measures to guarantee the loss of information never happens.

With this inquiry, the questioner is searching for understanding and models, as they need to know whether you will have an emergency course of action in the direct outcome imaginable. There’s nothing despicable about conceding botches in the past concerning loss of information, as long as you have gained from them and distinguished why information misfortune happened. Showing this in the meeting and presenting down to earth arrangements will work in support of you.

Q19). Can you have a roll-up summary field in the case of the Master-Detail relationship?

Truly. You can have a move up outline if there should be an occurrence of an ace detail relationship. In any case, not if there should be an occurrence of a query relationship.

A move up the rundown field is utilized to show an incentive in an ace record dependent on the estimations of a lot of fields in a detailed record. The detail record must be identified with the ace through an ace detail relationship.

There are 4 estimations that you can do utilizing the move up synopsis field. You can tally the number of detail records identified with an ace record. Or on the other hand, you can ascertain the aggregate, least worth, or greatest estimation of a field in the detail records.

Q20). Explain the term “Data Skew” in Salesforce.

“Information slant” is a condition which you will experience when working for a major customer where there are more than 10,000 records. At the point when one single client possesses that numerous records we call that condition ‘proprietorship information slant’.

At the point when such clients perform refreshes, execution issues will be experienced on account of “information slant”. This happens when solitary client/individuals from a solitary job possess a greater part of the records for a specific article.


These are some of the most frequently asked questions in the Salesforce Developer interviews. Once you go through the Salesforce Developer Interview questions for experienced professionals, you will be much more confident.

