Software QA Tester Responsibilities & Job Description

Vikas Arora
JanBask Training
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2020

The software is a generic term that is used for the numerous kinds of programs used to maneuver computers and other interrelated devices. Quality assurance (abbreviated as QA) is a system of avoiding errors or defects in manufacturing products and circumventing glitches when transporting solutions or services to its clientele. The ISO 9000 defines it as “part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled”.This article will take you through the course of the various aspects of a Software QA tester, QA tester description of job roles, QA tester responsibilities etc.

It will include the following sections-

  • Who is a Software QA Tester?
  • What are the qualifications required?
  • Software QA tester’s role
  • Software QA Testers Job Description
  • Software QA Testers Job Responsibilities
  • Career and scope

Who is a Software QA Tester — QA Tester Description

QA tester’s job description is as follows:

A Software QA Tester is somebody who screens each period of the software advancement process to guarantee outline quality, ensuring that the product clings to the guidelines set by the testing teams or the development teams. Programming quality affirmation tester ensures that new items work properly before they are discharged to people in general.

Read More: How to Start Career in Software Testing?

Programming delays are expensive for an organization, so it is imperative for companies that are into programming to meet the deadlines and remain within their budget plan. A product quality tester helps meet discharge due dates by separating the advancement procedure into achievable testing objectives and transferring any issues back to the improvement and item groups or pioneers.

What are the qualifications required to perform QA tester job responsibilities?

There is no particular license or any certification, which is required for getting a job in this field. However, it typically prerequisites at least a bachelor level degree in either software design or engineering, computer science, other than a significant prior practical experience. It sounds something like a catch-22 theory; you need a good amount of experience to get a job. The way out of the deadlock is to work through a rigorous series of training period while in college. It is also imperative to remain affair about the recent trends and latest developments in the field.

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Software QA tester role

Here is a list of various QA tester roles and responsibilities:

  • To proofread all the documents related to software and understand what in particular needs to be tested.
  • Established on the statistics acquired in the previous step, decide as to how it is to be tested.
  • Apprise the test lead about what all assets will be requisite for the software’s perfect testing.
  • Improve test cases and prioritize the various testing activities.
  • Implement all the test cases and report flaws, describe rigorousness and importance for each defect.
  • Carry out reversion testing every single time when some deviations are made to the primary code in order to fix defects.

Software QA Testers Job Description

SQA engineers utilize their program coding and testing abilities to enable programming designers to upgrade item execution. Architects commonly work for programming organizations, gear makers and wholesalers, among different businesses. As per the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics (BLS), work of programming designers, the more extensive classification that incorporates SQA engineers, was relied upon to increase by 17% in the vicinity of 2014 and 2024. The BLS additionally noticed that as of late as May 2015 programming designers chipping away at applications earned a normal yearly pay of $102,160, while those taking a shot at frameworks programming earned a normal of $108,760.

Software QA Testers Job Responsibilities

QA tester job responsibilities include making a conclusion-to-end test design; executing the said plan and dealing with all the exercises involved in the proper execution of that plan to guarantee that every one of the targets is met and that the plan functions not surprisingly. The plan that has been formulated ought to be tried regarding its usefulness, execution, dependability, soundness and similarity with other heritage and/or outer frameworks.

Read More: Software Testing Engineer Career Path

Software tester responsibilities also include the critical task of ensuring that testing is all around characterized, arranged and executed. The QA tester does this by guaranteeing that each stage and focus of the software design is tried and that any potential issue is distinguished and settled before the item goes live in the market.

This is just a bird’s eye view of the software tester responsibilities. There is much more to it however, these are the primary things that come under the umbrella of software tester responsibilities.

Software Tester Roles and Responsibilities

  • The Quality Assurance Analyst — Backend Testing part is centered testing the database segment of the product arrangement; how the database cooperates with the product arrangement.
  • The Practical Tester is the regular blackbox programming analyzer.
  • The Mechanized Tester designs the mechanized test scripts and organizes these scripts using mechanization software programs such as Quick Test Professional, Rational Functional Tester, Silk Test and Visual Studio Test Professional. Because test mechanization is not operational for all kinds of test mechanisms, the mechanical tester must make fortitude as to what part of the overall test will be benefited from mechanization.

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Career and Scope Software QA tester

You can see the hierarchy given here of a Software QA tester’s career.

Generally speaking, testing is looked for as a decent expert profession for a considerable bunch of trying young professionals. As specified above, from being test build one can move to senior test design, test prompt test director; else can progress toward becoming QA lead or a QA Manager. With proper understanding and execution of software tester roles and responsibilities, you can easily reach the top! The alternatives accessible in the testing apparatuses side are gigantic. There are quantities of utilitarian, execution, security testing apparatuses other than test administration instruments like Quality Center from HP, CQTM from IBM and so on.

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The interest in specialty abilities like SOA analyzers, Security analyzers are on the expansion. There is a deficiency of abilities in test mechanization territories — scripting aptitudes in the apparatuses dialects like VB, Java and other scripting dialects like Perl, Shell, Python and so on., Technical assets with capacities to assess computerization devices, make the robotization system and reusable segments are on request. Continuously there is interest for good execution analyzers who can break down the execution test comes about, recognize the bottlenecks and propose tuning strategies.

Read More: Different Type of Software Testing


The reason for Software Testing and Quality Assurance is to give the methods and furthermore the measures for testing every one of the parts of a product arrangement, both practically and actually, with a specific end goal to meet the prerequisites and general nature of the planned arrangement. You have now learned about the QA tester description, QA tester responsibilities, software tester roles and responsibilities, etc. You now have the complete idea of a QA tester’s job description and also have a considerable idea about his future career and scope too.



Vikas Arora
JanBask Training

Vikas Arora loves pursuing excellence through writing and have a passion for technology. He currently writes for