Everything about Staffing website design

Akshay Sharma
JanBask Digital Design
4 min readAug 18, 2021

A staffing agency is not just a recruitment source. It is more of a bridge of human resources, employment market, business trends to connect potential clients with the employment market.

The staffing agency business has a rising appeal and pandemic times have hit the hot iron.

It is time you prove your mettle and a good staffing website design is the perfect way out!


To design a website for a staffing agency is a worthy challenge.

Of course, staffing agency websites have to grab attention along with staying ahead form the industry competitors.

Once you are clear with your niche and are absolute about the strategy and consumer orientation, then you are ready for your business.

Here is a list of questions that may interest you!

  • How to build a Staffing Website?
  • How to create a Staffing Website?
  • How to make a Staffing Website for business?

But, are you prepared to demonstrate and run your business with digital tools!

Turning businesses online is a big task and when it is about a staffing agency , you need to be the highest upgraded and updated version of yourself!

This article will help you with everything you need to design a staffing agency website!

But, how to create a staffing website?

A staffing website design has many essential steps before starting your journey on the digital mode.

The best solution to get you ahead in the cutthroat competition is to create a staffing website.

Do you know,

What a staffing website should focus on?

Staffing website is created in order to help your consumer connect with you but also to prepare your client with the recruitment process.A vast variety of recruitment literature with listing and analysis articles surely help in interview preparation!

The article will focus on essential element of staffing agency website

Essentials of a Staffing agency Web design

The key elements of a staffing agency web design help you enhance your online traffic and reach out to your audience with high visibility and convincing brand image!

Web design with a modern outfit

There are many staffing agency websites with a decade old design and exhausted interaction.Surely, you don’t wish for a dying website. The best solution is to add modern design for your website

Make a mobile responsive website so as to attract maximum consumers.

Also, you need to integrate your website with external systems such as

  1. Applicant tracking system
  2. Payroll portal
  3. CRM
  4. Enterprise software to execute and demonstrate agency business process

Furthermore, manage your brand adding value proposition for your staffing agency. The best way is to communicate your design with the type of staffing agency you are.

Your design needs to be clear with the staffing industry you are focused at. The popular industry domain is medical staffing, technical staffing or a general domain that is inclusive of all industries!

The next step after you design an industry-specific and modern version of a staffing agency, you must look after the SEO.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO explained as Search Engine Optimization.It is helpful to reach upto your target audience.SEO uses analytical tools to achieve visibility for the users who don’t know you.

If you are a newer staffing agency and your target audience is unaware your website design content won’t make sense. Therefore, optimize your website and reach your target audience.The conversion rate from audience to client is possible with

  1. Page Title
  2. Meta Description
  3. Images associated with meta tags
  4. Optimized phrases and meta tags will help you get visible on google and various other search engines
  5. Effective Call to action to direct audience that increases your conversion rate

Avoid personal branding

When you create a staffing website design, it is important to reach your target group but essentially it is necessary that you do not talk much about your medals and guards.

The better road to branding is by giving out stories, reviews, client experiences helping out with challenges and opportunities in global opportunity!

The perception of your service needs to be more about giving rather than just taking the pleasure of awarding yourself !

Furthermore, you need to build a staffing website for business that will promote your quality service by escalating success stories of your clients and your contribution making it a massive win!

Once you create a staffing website design and add up your service updates and features along with your track of achieved success rate, you must focus on testimonials.


You wish to go on and on about where you started and how you reached, conversate by testimonials and reviews. Written review by client approach always sells the words.

Your target audience is interested in expressing their journey and you are juste extending an embrace.

Include the name of the client with review or testimonials, only if you got the permission!

Also, you have an opportunity to integrate external platforms like google and employment portal review of your staffing agency!

Furthermore, do the horn tooting you want and the perfect site to do it is your About page.Add designs and represent your brand with motive, commitment and knack of your organization.

You can also check some similar about pages get an industry orientation and customize your strategy


The article discussed staffing web design agency and how to make staffing websites for business!

Furthermore, the article discussed key elements that help you design an effective website to attract an audience and give your profiling to have a better idea of what you facilitate as a staffing agency!

One of the best solutions to design a staffing agency website is Janbask Digital Design.

JDD is a digital partner offering services of web development, digital marketing, website design and consultation before you start your business digitally.

