Steps for how to get Top of the Google Search Results

Chandni Ansari
JanBask Digital Design
4 min readNov 30, 2021

You have a lot of work onwards if you want to gather valuable search traffic and direct it to the correct resources on your website. To make essential strategy adjustments, you must develop a good strategy, implement it successfully, and stay updated on the latest algorithm improvements.

Remember to keep the rest of your business going and ensure you can adequately serve the leads and prospects generated by your rankings. Remember, your orders aren’t worth much if you don’t have a robust inbound marketing strategy in place to convert that traffic into leads.

Seasoned SEO specialists and novices alike have one goal in mind: to get their own websites to the top of google search results. Or, if they’ve already arrived, they want to make sure they stay. With so much competition and ever-changing algorithms, getting your website to the top of Google can be exceedingly tricky.

But that doesn’t rule out the possibility. Within a few months, with careful planning and the correct tactics, you should be able to get your website to rank higher or possibly reach the top page. Here are some strategies on how to get to the top of google search results.

1. Choose the words for which you want to compete.

The first step is to devise an effective SEO strategy. Too many campaigns fail before they even get started because businesses focus on too broad keywords, don’t get sufficient traffic, or are too competitive to compete for. Your center keyword list should begin wide and then be narrowed down using analytics to find the ideal keywords for your business and website to compete on.

2. Optimize Your Website for the Keywords You Care About

Now that your strategy is in place, it’s time to start putting it into action on your website, which is your most acceptable optimization vehicle. The crucial optimization elements that assist Google in comprehending what each page is about must be included on every page of your website. The following factors must be handled with a single target keyword on each website page-

  • Title of the page (under 70 characters)
  • Description of Metadata (under 155 characters)
  • H1 and H2 Text in the title (break up main content by describing it)
  • Alternate Text (every image needs a title)
  • Content with a keyword (at least once, bolded)

3. Create a long-term content strategy for your website.

When Google updated their Panda algorithm in 2011, they sent a message to web admins: don’t let your site become stale. As a result, places will be rewarded for continuously enhancing their content, increasing the quantity and quality of relevant and valuable web pages. If you want to boost your search engine rankings, you should expand your site over time.

Implementing a sound approach will keep it fresh and expanding. Add tools, resources, and educational information to your site to enable users to learn how to utilize it to educate themselves and understand their alternatives.

4. Create a Blog Strategy

You’ve created a blog on your website to supplement your website content strategy. There is a mountain of data and research to back up the benefits of blogging; suffice it to say, it’s a massive help in search engine optimization. Every new post you submit adds a new indexed page to your website, and the articles can also be promoted and shared on social media to increase traffic.

Building subjects and selecting a focus keyword for each article is the key to good blogging. Write about the topics that your potential clients would like to learn about. Don’t over-promote your items; instead, concentrate on the industry and solutions as a whole. This is how to get to the top of google search results.

5. Create a Google Authorship account.

The next step should be to appeal for Authorship status with Google to assist your articles to gain more exposure and display with a greater level of customization and credibility. The steps vary based on the platform you’re using, but the ultimate effect is the same. As your article’s engagement grows, it will appear better on Google and will certainly rise in the ranks.

6. Seek out high-quality links.

Now is the moment to add some high-quality inbound links to your SEO plan. When other websites connect back to your website as an applicable resource supporting their content, inbound links are formed. Obtaining linkages from vendor sites, supplier sites, and respected industry sites can significantly improve your website’s search engine relevance.

Guest Posts are a significant way to get your name out there. Guest postings are designed to benefit everyone. By posting to their journal instead of your own, you get to expose yourself to an entirely new audience. The host site receives a good piece of quality content. The readers get yet another piece of information relevant to their interests. You get to expose yourself to an entirely new audience. By incorporating a correctly placed connection back to your website, you acquire a high-quality inbound link that will help your website classify higher in search engines.

7. Repeat the process of analyzing, refining, and refining.

It would be best to have a continuous evaluation plan for your whole campaign because nothing you do will be perfect. Pull reporting frequently and review analytics to keep track of the successes and failures. Spend more time on terms that aren’t moving fast enough, and repeat the tactics that worked in the past. You’ll improve over time, and there are hundreds of excellent resources available to assist you in improving areas of weakness. That is how to be on top of google search.


These are some of the most effective boosting your Google rankings and landing on the top page. Some of these may directly impact your rankings, while others have a more indirect effect.

However, if you want to acquire knowledge of how to get your website to the top of google, you’ll need to put equal emphasis on all of these strategies. You cannot afford to overlook something simply because it is a minor ranking component.



Chandni Ansari
JanBask Digital Design

Chandni loves pursuing excellence through writing and has a passion for digital marketing. She currently writes for