10 Next-Level Hacks for Perfect Posture at Work

Sitting comfortably in your chair? You’re doing it all wrong

Aarushi Ahuja
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Hyper-realistic portrayal of your posture’s effects; all cartoons by author

As all the best companies (and worst tech bros) say, the real reason for your poor health and productivity isn’t their ridiculous workloads or exploitative culture– it’s your typing posture.

That’s right, you can fix your life if you simply “avoid repetitive motions” as a typist or “stop sitting for long time periods” at a desk job. And of course, take breaks and hydrate more, but who has the time?

“Fixing your posture” sounds easy enough — maybe you even got the standing desk recommended by your cousin who’s into crypto — but you just can’t stop slouching!

We, the widely accepted ergo experts who have never seen a cubicle, have the solutions for you. Here are extra optimized hacks to improve your posture at work:

1. Use Tools to Maintain an Upright Posture

Pump up some balloons and let your bad wrist alignment float away.

2. Use Gravity to Maintain an Upright Posture

