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10 Possible Reasons the Restaurant Only Put Two Cherry Tomato Halves in Your Greek Salad

The answer might not be so simple

Kyrie Gray
3 min readJul 12, 2021


We’ve all been there. You go to a restaurant for a refreshing meal. You see a picture of a beautiful Greek salad, full of veggies. The bright red tomatoes practically wink at you, so you order it, not minding the $12.99 price tag. It will be worth it.

Except it isn’t. For what you end up with is a salad with only two cherry tomato halves. And it’s always the cherry tomatoes that get lost from menu to table. Why though? Well, I think I have a few possible reasons why this might be the case.

1. The cost of tomatoes has increased astronomically due to a swarm of feral hogs devouring the crops, which means less tomatoes for everyone.

2. The ketchup packets servers brought to the table with the salad count as tomatoes. Thus you have 10 tomatoes which is perfectly adequate according to industry standards.

3. The tomatoes are just decoration, you’re not supposed to eat them at all, you plebeian.

4. The restaurant is run by a cruel cult that believes those who overeat tomatoes are gluttonous sinners who won’t achieve salvation. So the staff/members of this cult are instructed by their leader (manager) not be overindulgent…

