18th Century MLM Makeup Sales Pitch

Beauty is pain. Pain is lead foundation.

Zoe/ Zoieyx
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Licensed from Shutterstock

Hello, thank you for meeting with me today! I’m so excited to discuss my new side hustle, Marie A. Cosmetics, with you! Named of course after our always stylish and popular queen, Marie Antoinette. This innovative company was created by men who call themselves experts on women’s beauty, so you know our products are reputable.

By joining my downline, you’ll achieve the financial freedom you’ve always wanted. Once you’ve built up an inventory and acquired a steady clientele, you’ll have enough money to buy even more inventory and grow your customer base even further! It’s also possible you’ll earn enough money to reduce the number of business trips your husband has to make.

Since I know you wouldn’t pass up this golden opportunity, I took the liberty of bringing you a Marie A. starter kit. Don’t worry about affording the kit; you’ll easily have enough money if you sell all those dresses and wigs you wear that have gone out of fashion.

The kit contains the whitest foundation on the market, made from only the finest lead to achieve that enviable moon-suffering-from-tuberculosis look. The foundation is thick enough to cover moles, smallpox scars, and stress lines. Speaking of which, I overheard the other ladies of the court discussing how…

