5 Must-Have Couches For Every Damsel in Distress

For distraught princesses by distraught princesses

Ryan Lark
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


When sudden shock overwhelms your body and your hand instinctively moves to your forehead, bracing yourself as you dramatically fall, you want to make sure what you’re fainting onto is as comforting and reliable as your animal side-kick who dispenses oddly convenient advice at the most pivotal moments. You can’t afford to hit your head on something hard and risk causing you to fall into a coma. Not all of us damsels in distress are so lucky to have our soulmates wake us from an eternal slumber!

You deserve the highest comfort while relaxing from shockingly frequent imminent danger, so we put together a list of our finest couches for you to rest your PTSD-riddled noggin on.

#1 The Chester Feels

Photo by Matt ODell on Unsplash

Getting constantly kidnapped and holed up in a tower/ dungeon starts to wear on you after a while. For those of you who just need a break, you’re going to love this sofa. Not only is this couch equipped with the maximum amount of pillows we could possibly fit on it, it also comes with its very own guard dog.



Ryan Lark
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Just another entitled Millennial. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter: For the Love of Nature. fortheloveofnature.substack.com (rylark8@gmail.com)