If Famous Dead Queens Wrote Business Books
If it worked for the throne room, it can work for the boardroom
You’ve heard of the glass ceiling. We talk about it now when it comes to breaking into the boardroom. But why settle for that when you could have a throne room? That’s right, it is possible. Toss aside those books by inspirational female CEOs and pick up these books by famous dead lady royals. Follow their tips, and you’ll be running your business as confidently as a queen. The kind of queen who can be benevolent one moment while working in the background to get exactly what she wants.
Master Your Mourning Routine to Take Control of Your Life and Empire-By Queen Victoria
Some women fall into a dramatic puddle of sadness when they lose a spouse. Not Victoria. Her ironlike will allowed her to do what few others managed. She worked through the grief and found a mourning routine that increased her productivity while still honoring her dead husband to the extreme.
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