Challahday Movies for the Whole Mishpacha

5782 years in the making

Jane Austen’s Wastebasket
3 min readDec 19, 2021


Each Christmas, Jews flock to movie theaters for a little escapism, but rarely do we see our rich holiday traditions represented on the screen. Hollywood has finally taken notice and decided to cater to us with more Kosher film fare for some of the biggest dates on the Hebrew calendar. It only took 5782 years.

Fools Rosh In

It’s no surprise that Shoshana’s favorite holiday is Rosh Hashanah — if you slur the words they practically sound the same! Shoshana is definitely slurring her words after helping herself to too much Manischewitz Extra-Heavy Malaga while ringing in the new year. Her inhibitions lowered, Shoshana has a one-night stand with an attractive gentile. Flash forward to a few weeks later: she’s pregnant. Her parents have been pushing their 30-something daughter to give them a grandkid for ages, but this is not what the nice Jewish doctor they wanted for a son-in-law ordered.

Yum Kippur

A young woman learns to love herself in this body-positive tale set during the Days of Awe. Ever since she was a child, Rebecca has had anxiety around food. Her relatives constantly fuss over her and make comments like, “You poor thing! When’s the last time you ate?” while shoving rugelach in her mouth. In spite of this…



Emma Kantor
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Emma Kantor is a Brooklyn-based writer and editor. Words in the New York Times Magazine, the Belladonna, Points in Case, Slackjaw, and more.