Classic Movies Rebooted for the Smartphone Era

Sometimes an Upgrade is Really a Downgrade

Emma Kantor
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket


Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

The following films have been formatted to fit your small screen and even smaller attention span.

Lost Verizon

A group of social media influencers on their way to an exclusive music festival in East Asia survive a plane crash and find themselves stranded in an idyllic mountain village. Everything and everyone appears to be blissful in this untrammeled paradise, until they discover there’s no cell service or Wi-Fi and they can’t post anything about their experience. You call this Shangri-La? More like Shangri-Blah.

Bored out of their minds, the influencers soon resort to cannibalism.

DM for Murder

A jealous husband hires a hitman to kill his wealthy wife. Fortunately for her, the husband is ill-versed in social media: he thinks he’s direct messaging instructions to the hitman via Instagram, but he’s actually posting everything to his public account. The wife takes a screenshot before he can delete the post and shares it with the authorities, who foil his plan.

The Waze We Were

In this decades-spanning romance, a man and a woman from opposite walks of life fall in/out of love during several…



Emma Kantor
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket

Emma Kantor is a Brooklyn-based writer and editor. Words in the New York Times Magazine, the Belladonna, Points in Case, Slackjaw, and more.