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Examples of Fairytale Characters Who Didn’t Want a Happy Ending Badly Enough

Learn from failure so you don’t end up like any of these losers

Jane Austen’s Wastebasket
3 min readSep 16, 2019


The stories you read as a child were truly cautionary tales. Yet in your youth you didn’t learn the most important messages. Building a strong house is great, but how do you get rid of annoying neighbors?

In order to help you manifest your own happy ending I’m going to deconstruct where the losers in those children’s books went wrong.

The Big Bad Wolf

I too have neighbors I’d like to consume if it would stop their loud music. I won’t though because I’d end up in prison. Instead of violence, I’d go through the proper channels. Don’t blow down a house, blow the whistle on illegal building practices. I bet those pigs didn’t even have permits. Unfortunately for the wolf, he took matters into his own paws and was boiled alive. Work smarter, don’t blow harder.


This is a man who has never listened to a murder podcast. If you are going to kill your wives, don’t give them access to the room where you store all the bodies. That’s serial killer 101. Also only marry girls without a family, otherwise questions will be asked and swords drawn.

